To Tell You Where To Go & What To Present In A Bad Economy Prospecting For Small Veins of Gold
Companies that continue to advertise and promote in a down economy recover faster and have a stronger market position at the end of the recovery. Case History Kellogg's vs. Post In The Great Depression
25 of the top 30 markets for promotional products will reduce their budgets. It is estimated there will be a decrease in spending of 20% or more by the current buyers of promotional products.
1. Branded products that are used for promotional purposes. 2. Branded products that are used instead of non-branded product in the course of business, as a regular office supply item. 3. Branded products are used for resale to increase sales and profits.
THIS RADIOLOGIST Uses hundreds of recordable CDRs every month. They are necessities as all their tests (MRI,CT Scan, Mammography etc.) are done digitally and need to be saved on a disc. Copies are filed, given to a patient and the primary care physician..
THIS IMAGING CENTER is another example of how to take an office supply and turn it into a branded product to promote an image and more business..
THIS ACCOUNTANT uses CDRs to present to their clients with their 2009 tax returns. They did the math and recognized it is less expensive to buy from a distributor, than use a printed label on a retail branded disc.
THIS BANK sends its monthly statements to large accounts on a CDR. They use pre-decorated discs and then overprint the account name after burning the files on the disc.
THIS PURCHASING AGENT Did the math and realized it cost them more to print and decorate CDRs they bought from Staples, than buy MPD CDs from a distributor. recognized that branded CDRs & DVDRs were cheaper in their supply closet than using labels, toner, and people to decorate them as needed.
THIS CHURCH has seen donations drop off significantly. A Christmas card fund raiser with no risk earned them over $3,000.
THIS SCHOOL has and will see a huge reduction in funding. To compensate for lost revenue, schools are turning to extra fund raising programs. Greeting cards, Digi-albums and specialized direct mail from Soundline set them in the right direction.
THIS RETAILER needs additional revenue without a huge risk or investment. Based upon the history of companies such as Victoria Secret, Hallmark and Starbucks, CDs made a great impulse item. Remember, Hard Rock Café is selling more branded merchandise than food.
THIS DISTRIBUTOR needs new accounts and knows that it takes a multi front approach using direct mail, and telephone to get constant contact. They are using Soundline’s “canned” PSA 2009 program.
THIS MANUFACTURER needed to save a lot of money on the print, production and distribution of their catalog in a tight economy. A CDROM catalog achieved all three objectives.
THIS TRAINING DEPARTMENT is one of many who use discs to distribute to their sales force, dealers, agents and employees with educational and motivational information. It is faster, cheaper and better than print.
THIS AD DEPARTMENT like all others, needs to distribute advertising and marketing materials to its network. Files are too large to send on the net. DVDs and CDROMs carry their constant flow.
This Economic Board Times are tough and funding is low. Still, this board has to bring in new companies and jobs. The CD is a cost effective interactive mailer.
THESE DIRECT MAILERS need better than a.003% response with postage going up again in May. Variable data printing increases response, CDs lower the cost of print and mail.
Get The Picture – Branded Photo Paper With almost every home having a digital camera or cell phone camera, the need for paper has never been greater. Full color ghost printing on pack Custom slip sheet on top Different sizes A variety of packages
HR Directors – service & birthday Purchasing – branded instead of plain Safety – to save money on insurance Retail – to add a revenue stream Schools – to raise money Churches – to raise money Associations – to retain and build membership Radiology – an everyday need Accounting – for tax season Food Service – revenue stream Direct Mail – to increase response with lumpy mail Training – to lower costs Advertising – to distribute materials