Mission & Ministry Board Worship Congregat- ional Life & Care Christian Education Mission & Outreach Property Stewardship & Finance The Highland Teams
Counsels, advises, assists the Ministers Liturgy, ordinances, preaching of the Word, greeting and ushering, Baptismal and Communion Music Worship Team
Care, Visiting, Counseling, Support the Congregation and Adherents Oversee Outreach, Community, and Social Action activities Guests, Newcomers, Membership and Baptism Benevolent Fund Small Groups Congregational Life & Care
Christian Education Team Spiritual Nurture Support Childrens’ and Youth Pastors Nursery, Toddler, Sunday School, Youth groups, Home, Family ministries - September BBQ, Easter Breakfast, Family Picnic, Day Camp (VBS) Church Library
Mission & Outreach Team Seek to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus Make the Gospel real through tangible deeds of compassion and love, salvation through Jesus Christ. Local, Regional, and Global ministries and partnerships Fundraisers: Christmas Bazaar, Concerts, Garage Sales, Guest Speakers
Property Team Manage, Maintain, Plan the Structures, Facilities, Grounds Furnace, Boiler, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical, Building and Painting Housekeeping and Supplies, Grounds maintenance Office Equipment, A/V Security
All Financial matters for Operation: Annual Budget, Reports Banking - Investments, Savings, cash movement Payroll, Bills, Cheques, T4’s Tellers, Counting, manage Bookkeeper, Financial Data entry Stewardship & Finance
April 7, 14, 21: Info Sharing. Who to nominate? April 21- May 5 th : Formal Nominations. Volunteer. Mid-May: Selection Process Set the first Board and Teams Schedule
Now thru August : Use Existing Board and Committees September: New Teams and Board October: Planning Retreat November: Implement Plans. Look back Schedule (continued)