How do teams contribute to organizations? A small group of people with complementary skills, who work together to achieve a shared purpose and hold themselves mutually accountable for performance results. Teamwork The process of people actively working together to accomplish common goals
How do teams contribute to organizations? Common problems in teams: Personality conflicts. Individual differences in work styles. Ambiguous agendas. Ill-defined problems. Poor readiness to work. Lack of motivation. Conflicts with other deadlines or priorities. Lack of team organization or progress. Meetings that lack purpose or structure. Members coming to meetings unprepared.
How do teams contribute to organizations? Seven sins of deadly meetings: People arrive late, leave early, and don’t take things seriously. The meeting is too long. People don’t stay on topic. The discussion lacks candor. The right information isn’t available, so decisions are postponed. No one puts decisions into action. The same mistakes are made meeting after meeting.
How do teams contribute to organizations? Synergy The creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. A team uses its membership resources to the fullest and thereby achieves through collective action far more than could be achieved otherwise.
How do teams contribute to organizations? Usefulness of teams: More resources for problem solving. Improved creativity and innovation. Improved quality of decision making. Greater commitments to tasks. Higher motivation through collective action. Better control and work discipline. More individual need satisfaction.
How do teams contribute to organizations? Formal groups — are officially recognized and supported by an organization for a specific purpose. They are part of the organization’s structure and may be referred to as committees, departments, units, team, or divisions.
Informal groups — arise if an opportunity exists. They emerge naturally or spontaneously to fill emotional, social, or psychological needs. Here are some examples. Friendship groups form based on shared interests outside of work. Interest groups form when people work together for a common cause. Support groups formed when workers help one another with their jobs. When individuals’ needs are not met by the formal organization, informal groups will form to fill the gap. Informal groups can have a significant effect either negative or positive, on an organization. It is very important for managers to understand the dynamics of informal groups that exist in their organizations.
What are the current trends in the use of teams? Virtual teams — Teams of people who work together and solve problems through largely computer-mediated rather than face-to-face interactions. Sometimes called … Computer-mediated groups Electronic group networks
How do teams work? Effective teams … made up of members with complementary skills, who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and an approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Effective teams pull together in the same direction to achieve the team’s goals.
How do teams work? Factors that contribute to the success of a team include shared norms and cohesiveness.
A norm is an attitude, belief, or behaviour that is expected of team members. Norms define how a group member is expected to think or act. Examples of positive norms include: expected level of contribution, timeliness, attendance, quality of work, effective communication, and guidelines for conflict resolution. If a group member violates a norm, there are usually consequences; in the worst case, the consequence is expulsion from the team.
How do teams work? Cohesiveness is the degree to which individuals are motivated to become and remain members of a team. Cohesive teams stick together to pursue their goals and objectives.
How do teams work? Group process: The way the members of any team work together as they transform inputs into outputs : Also known as group dynamics. Includes communications, decision making, norms, cohesion, and conflict, among others.
How do teams work? Dysfunctional activities that detract from team effectiveness: Being aggressive Blocking Seeking sympathy Competing Withdrawal Horsing around Seeking recognition
How do teams work? Social loafing describes the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they are part of a group. Because all members of the group are pooling their effort to achieve a common goal, each member of the group contributes less than they would if individually responsible. (
How do teams make decisions? Methods of team decision making: Lack of response Authority rule Minority rule Majority rule Consensus Unanimity
Lack of Response One idea after another is suggested without any discussion taking place.
Authority Rule Authority figure makes a decision. Very time efficient Can be done with or without discussion
Minority Rule Two or three people are able to dominate or “railroad” the team into making a mutually agreeable decision. Often accomplished by a suggestion followed by forcing quick agreement. Eg. “Does anyone object?...Let’s go ahead then.”
Majority Rule Formal voting may take place Members may be polled to find the majority viewpoint. Used with early signs of disagreement. Parallels democratic system. Often the “Losers” feel resentful and left out. Can cause poor implementation of decision.
Consensus One alternative being favored by most members and the other members agreeing to support it. Inclusive to all members Team members must be able to: Engage in reasonable conflict Argue Respect one another Difficult to achieve
Unanimity All team members agree on the course of action to be taken. Ideal state of affairs Rarely occurs Difficult to achieve
Which Method Fits Best? The schedule for next month needs to be made. What time should lunch break be? How can we meet our new budget objectives for 2010? What kind of paper should we use in our printer? What kind of printer should we buy?
Advantages of Team Decision Making Greater amounts of Information Knowledge Expertise Expand the # of Alternatives Avoid tunnel vision Increases commitments of members
Disadvantages of Team Decision Making TIME Social Pressure to Conform Intimidation can take place Railroading $$$$$
What are the challenges of leading high-performance teams? Characteristics of high-performing teams: A clear and elevating goal. A task-driven, results-oriented structure. Competent and committed members who work hard. A collaborative climate. High standards of excellence. External support and recognition. Strong and principled leadership.
What are the challenges of leading high-performance teams? Effective team leaders act to: Establish clear vision. Create change. Unleash talent.