How To Inspire and Engage our Educators Leadership Series Communities of Practice Facilitated by Cheryl Anderson, QCCI October 15, 2014
Reflecting with our Community of Practice Within your community of practice, reflect together upon the following: The elements of our “contract” – are they working for us? What did we learn from each other? What idea did we take back and implement?
How To Inspire and Engage our Educators What do staff deserve to feel as they head into work every day? What would make them feel more successful and joyful in their work?
Have you every calculated the cost (monetary or psychological) of having an employee with low morale?
Motivation is the key! Research states that extrinsic rewards (perks, promotions, pay) may be temporarily motivating, but will not over the long haul drive individuals to work harder!
What Motivates us? TO MOTIVATION = Making individual’s jobs more rewarding! Motivation is an individual thing!
What are motivators?
What do you have to offer? What do people want in their jobs? How do I figure this out? What does my program offer that current employees desire? What can I offer to prospective employees? Where am I missing the mark?
Have you considered? Involving staff in all aspects of their performance appraisal (self-reflective tool) Involving staff in hiring/interviewing processes Designing systems to provide time for reflection and problem-solving amongst team members Plan cycle of supervision with staff Plan training to reflect your vision for your program Exit interviews
Design staff meetings around community building and staff development Reallocate some PD dollars to hire part-time pedagogical leader (mentor teacher) Discuss organizational climate with staff Choose a focus for PD (research question) Acknowledge and celebrate successes Invite new ideas