Jeopardy Bone Structure Axial Skeleton Joints Potpourri Q $100 Q $100 Appendicular Skeleton Joints Potpourri Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Bone Structure The expanded portion on the end that articulates with another bone.
$100 Answer from Bone Structure What is the epiphysis?
$200 Question from Bone Structure The projections on some bones that provide a site for attachment of tendons and ligaments.
$200 Answer from Bone Structure What is a process?
$300 Question from Bone Structure Osteocytes (bone cells) are located in small chambers called
$300 Answer from Bone Structure What are lacunae?
$400 Question from Bone Structure In compact bone, the osteocytes and surrounding matrix form a cylinder-shaped unit called this.
$400 Answer from Bone Structure What is an osteon?
$500 Question from Bone Structure The type of cells breaks down the calcified matrix in order to reabsorb calcium. .
$500 Answer from Bone Structure What are osteoclasts?
$100 Question from Axial Skeleton Air-filled cavities which are lined with mucous membranes. These cavities reduce the skull’s weight and increase the intensity of the voice.
$100 Answer from Axial Skeleton What are paranasal sinuses?
$200 Question from Axial Skeleton Forms the back of the skull and base of the cranium.
$200 Answer from Axial Skeleton What is the occipital bone?
$300 Question from Axial Skeleton Vertebrae that comprise the bony axis of the neck.
$300 Answer from Axial Skeleton What are cervical vertebrae?
$400 Question from Axial Skeleton The last two pair of false ribs do not connect with the sternum at all and are called this
$400 Answer from Axial Skeleton What are floating ribs?
$500 Question from Axial Skeleton This part of the sternum articulates with the clavicles by facets on its border.
$500 Answer from Axial Skeleton What is the manubrium?
$100 Question from Appendicular This portion of the appendicular skeleton supports the upper limbs and is an attachment for several muscles that move them.
$100 Answer from Appendicular What is the pectoral girdle?
$200 Question from Appendicular The process on the scapula that forms the tip of the shoulder.
$200 Answer from Appendicular What is the acromian process?
$300 Question from Appendicular Forms the lowest portion of the coxal bone and supports the weight of the body during sitting.
$300 Answer from Appendicular What is the ischium?
$400 Question from Appendicular The longest bone in the entire body.
$400 Answer from Appendicular What is the femur?
$500 Question from Appendicular The largest bone in the ankle that helps support body weight. Also known as the “heel bone”.
$500 Answer from Appendicular What is the calcaneous?
$100 Question from Joints Lie between bones that are in close contact with one another. Allow no appreciable amount of movement.
$100 Answer from Joints What are fibrous joints?
$200 Question from Joints Constitute most joints in the skeleton and are freely moveable.
$200 Answer from Joints What are synovial joints?
$300 Question from Joints These joints allow a wider range of motion than does any other kind, including rotational.
$300 Answer from Joints What are ball and socket joints?
$400 Question from Joints This joint allows movement in only one plane. Examples are the elbow and the joints between the phalanges.
$400 Answer from Joints What is a hinge joint?
$500 Question from Joints The cylindrical surface of one bone rotates within a ring of formed bone and ligament. Movement is limited to rotation around a central axis.
$500 Answer from Joints What is a pivot joint?
$100 Question from Potpourri Functions of the skeletal system include this . . . (Name Three)
$100 Answer from Potpourri What is support, protection, movement, blood cell formation, and storage?
$200 Question from Potpourri Total number of bones in an adult skeleton.
$200 Answer from Potpourri What is 206?
$300 Question from Potpourri A large opening located on the lower surface of the occipital bone. Nerves leave the brain, travel through this opening, and enter the spinal cord.
$300 Answer from Potpourri What is the foramen magnum?
$400 Question from Potpourri The depression on the lateral surface of the hipbone that receives the head of the femur.
$400 Answer from Potpourri What is the acetabulum?
$500 Question from Potpourri During childbirth, a baby’s head must fit through this area.
$500 Answer from Potpourri What is the pelvic brim?
Final Jeopardy Name the 22 bones in the skull.
Final Jeopardy Answer Frontal (1) Parietal (2) Temporal (2) Occipital (1) Ethmoid (1) Sphenoid (1) Nasal (2) Vomer (1) Lacrimal (2) Zygomatic (2) Palatine (2) Maxilla (2) Inferior Nasal Concha (2) Mandible (1)