Contributions to Exchange of Experience Initiatives by IMO, EMSA and Regional Organisations Michel Girin Director of Cedre. SaferSeas / Management of Accidental.


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Presentation transcript:

Contributions to Exchange of Experience Initiatives by IMO, EMSA and Regional Organisations Michel Girin Director of Cedre. SaferSeas / Management of Accidental Marine Pollution Seminar

Dissemination of experience: he who faced a problem presents his decisions/actions to others, who may be interested Exchange of experience: different parties, having faced problems responding to similar situations discuss their respective decisions/actions, with the aim to do better next time Exchanging Experience

Dissemination of experience on response the Erika spill Exchange of experience on response to heavy fuel spills offshore Examples

Communicating one’s experience: focusing on the positive achievements or telling the truth to the negative points ? Party to exchange with: mutual confidence and mutual interest are required ►A facilitator may be needed to convince the parties concerned to join and share The limitations

International: the IMO Europe: MCMP, EMSA, The Research framework and the Interreg programmes Regional: HELCOM, the Bonn, Lisbon and Barcelona Agreements ►Cedre is technical adviser on marine pollution management to the French delegations at all the above The facilitators

Worldwide seminars on particular thematics attached to the trio of International Conferences IOSC (USA), SPILLCON (Australia) and INTERSPILL (Europe) Ex: responding to heavy fuel oil spills, Brest, 2003 ►Exchanges between scientists, industry and administrations, worldwide, low frequency (next one : 2009) IMO: the R&D Forums

Incidents reviews at MCMP meetings The workshops, pilot studies, joint exercises and training sessions in the rolling plan The Eumarex exchange of experts programme ►Committee and plan terminated end of ► Programme integrated in civil security exchanges in mid 2007 Europe, DG Env, MCMP

Community framework for cooperation ( ) Objectives Support and supplement Member State’s efforts in the field of preparedness Improve Member State’s response Promote efficient mutual assistance and cooperation Current actions Management of a three-year rolling plan (workshops, pilot projects, exercises…) Community Information System (CIS) Response to emergencies (via the Mechanism)

Stays of a few days to a few weeks in a selected institution of another country Duration of programme: 5 years ( ) Total experts exchanged: 120 Countries first receivers: UK/Norway (18 Experts) Country first provider: Spain (24 Experts) ► A must for all involved in pollution response Activities continue within the civil protection exchange programme Example of MCMP achievement: the EUMAREX exchanges of experts

Thematic workshops : use of dispersants, response to HNS pollution... European reviews : oil spill recovery vessels, Eutopean cooperative projects... GroupS of European experts : satellite imagery, spill response... ►Progressively taking over the exchange of experience activities in the terminated MCMP rolling plan Europe, EMSA

Places of refuge: cooperation, liability and compensation Directive on port reception facilities for ship generated waste and cargo residues Implementation of Directive on ship-source pollution Pollution Response workshop for Bulgaria and Romania Revision of MARPOL annex VI Implementation of the HNS Convention Training for Bulgaria and Romania on the HNS Convention Ship-sourced Chemical Pollution at Sea: Risk, Preparedness & Response in Europe Ratification and Implementation of HNS and Bunkers Conventions Satellite Monitoring of Oil Spills over European Waters Use of Oil Spill Dispersants in European Waters ► Exchanges of experience + assistance to new members Examples of recent EMSA workshops

Cooperative research projects on all aspects of marine pollution prevention, response and impactss Development of improves tests, procedures and tools for response and response monitoring ►Progressively building the European scientific oil spill response know-how Europe, Research framework programmes

NEEDS: EU Energy needs for the future, externalities of oil transport DEEPP: Databank on potentially polluting shipwrecks INTERRISK: Interoperable GMES Services for Environmental Risk Management in Marine and Coastal Areas PRAGMA: Experimental tools to assess the extent and impact of a major oil spill RESPIL: Experimental impact study of 2 chemical pollutants OSH: Oil Sea Harvester, large offshore oil recovery vessel SPREEX: Spill response experience based research needs AMPERA: Optimisation of the EU Accidental Marine Pollution research effort ASMA: Survey, modelling and remote sensing techniques for Monitoring and Assessment of environmental impacts of submerged oil ► A wide variety of topics and participants Examples of Cooperative Studies and Research Projects

Cooperative projects: to disseminate in local communities experience established at national level, to establish mutual assistance procedures between neighbouring communities ►Exchange of experience at local level Europe, Interreg

Interreg South Western Atlantic: LOSTCONT: response to containers lost at sea. Partners from France, Spain, Portugal EROCIPS: Emergency Response to coastal Oil, Chemical and Inert Pollution from Shipping. Partners from UK, France, Spain, Portugal PRESTIGE: Experience gained from the Prestige incident. Partners from France, Spain ► Exchange of experience on practical matters Examples of Interreg projects

Helcom (Baltic), Bonn (North Sea) are self financed. Barcelona benefits of an IMO/EU financed facilitator (REMPEC) The information/services a country gets is what others bring in: incident reviews at technical meetings, mutual aid In the most advanced: a joint oil spill response manual, joint oil spil response exercises, with intercalibration ►Serving prioritarily operational response needs Regional Agreements

The mutual information on pollution incidents The common “color code” for slick thickness assessment The yearly operational spills in the North Sea map The joint oil spill response manual The invitations to join members exercises The mutual assistance agreement ► Tackling all aspects of the response package Examples: Bonn agreement

incident response archivist technical adviser operator of test facilities partner in development projects specialised trainer Dissemination and exchange of experience are permanent activities at Cedre as: