TECHNOLOGY AND TEXTBOOKS: Cutting- Edge Early Literacy Technology By Kari Miller
Early Literacy Computer Programs There are many early literacy computer programs out there aimed to help students in learning to read. The question is do they really work??
Sample Curriculums The following curriculums are examples of full curriculum, limited computer access, adaptive computer-based instruction, large and Web-based programs, Reading + Writing and ESL, and home or school. Keep in mind that this is not an attempt to cover the entire category; these programs were selected as good examples of their types.
Full Curriculum:Destination Reading This can be used as a full curriculum or as a support to a Basal reading program. Includes phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding vocabulary, reading fluency, language mechanics, and text comprehension. The course materials cover a wide variety of genres, including authentic fiction, nonfiction, and environmental texts. Referred to this as a "spiraling curriculum." Teachers can adapt lessons to the various skill levels found in their classrooms. Discover Reading
Limited Computer Access: Waterford Early Reading Program Can be used as a full curriculum, but is aimed to be used as a preK-2 intervention. works with skills such as letter mastery, reading and listening development, controlled and natural language stories, complex spelling, basic writing skills, and comprehension strategies. Also includes take home materials for students
Large and web-based Programs: Odyessy Reading Fully web-based curriculum. Focuses on improving phonemic awareness, phonics instruction and decoding, fluency, vocabulary and background knowledge, and text comprehension. It also features continuous integrated assessment and instruction, a teacher's guide, supplementary print materials, and offline materials. Also offers other core content curriculums Odyssey Reading
Reading, Writing and ESL: OpenBook AnyWhere Uses a combination of voice, text, video, graphics, and photos to improve literacy skills. It can be accessed online by single Macintosh or Windows computers and local area networks. Open Book Learning
Home or School: Headsprout Early Reading The program is designed for K-2 students or for older students experiencing problems learning to read. "Generative Learning" component that adapts to the strengths and weaknesses of each student. They program is accessed by a mouse, not a keyboard, making access easier for young students. Headsprout
Literacy in the future! While all these programs have their strengths and weaknesses, they are working towards being a very useful reading resource in the teaching world.