the transition to brick tenements
Two Room Tenement Apartment with “Sleeping Closet,” 1890
Boarding and Boardinghouses
Tenement District in Heat Wave
NY Irish Immigrant Employment, 1855 Professionals 0.4% Business Owners 3% Peddlers and Street Vendors 1% Lower Status White-Collar 3% Skilled Manual Workers 34% Unskilled workers 58% Difficult to classify 1%
Street Trades
Irish Immigrant Children
Irish Depositors at the Emigrant Savings Bank, 1880
Top 10 sources of Imms in 1850
The “German Triangle”
Chinese Immigration
Map of China
Chinese on ship bound for San Francisco
Chinese Gold Miners
The Chinese As West Coast Factory Workers March 3, 1882
Chinese Immigrant Railroad Workers in California
Chinese Laundries
Chinatown, San Francisco A “Bachelor Society”
Dennis Kearney and the Workingman’s Party of California