1. Define the problem by OBSERVING. The Scientific Method 1. Define the problem by OBSERVING. a. Make observations by using the 5 senses to perceive objects/events. b. Collect DATA by measuring (qualitative/quantitative data) & sampling c. Organize the data collected
2. Form a testable HYPOTHESIS Scientific Method 2. Form a testable HYPOTHESIS a. PREDICTION-statement made in advance that states what the results are believed to be when the hypothesis is tested and supported 1. “If…then…” statements
3. Design EXPERIMENT –testing hypothesis Scientific Method 3. Design EXPERIMENT –testing hypothesis a. Test only 1 variable – INDEPENDENT variable (which drives the dependent variable) b. CONTROL for other variables
4. Experiment – Record DATA Scientific Method 4. Experiment – Record DATA a. observing b. measuring c. sampling d. Organize data – usually data table
Scientific Method 5. Analyze Data – Draw CONCLUSIONS a. Make a graph or some visible representation of the data b. Has your hypothesis been supported? c. INFERENCE-conclusion made on basis of facts rather than observations
a. This may be done by publishing the work completed. Scientific Method 6. Report Findings a. This may be done by publishing the work completed. b. THEORIES may be formed after many related hypotheses have been tested and supported with much experimental evidence.
Do Now! Why is it important that scientists use the same procedures to conduct their research?
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