Context Presented by H. A. Ziblim
Context As an NGO, School for Life holds a credible record of 15 years delivery of Functional Literacy and for that matter Complementary Education SfL has come of age in this respect and can be referred to as the Mecca of functional literacy in Ghana The ability of SfL to train volunteers with very low educational background to be able to handle out-of- school children for only 9 months to become literate in their mother tongue;
Context cont. To get the SfL graduates integrate in class 3 and above has given SfL a credit leading to the Ghana education service referring to the SfL approach as an innovative model worth emulating. This has positioned SfL to try to take a leading role in complementary education in the country and beyond Our modest achievements include; the government introducing the National Literacy Acceleration Programme NALAP which has introduce the use of the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in our lower primary classes;
Context cont. The government instituting of the Complementary Basic Education policy which is at a stage of drafting of implementation Recognition of SfL by lead donors like DFID, UNICEF and USAID. Prominent individuals like Prof. Ash Hartwell, our consultant and friend Dr. Leslie Casely-Hayford who serve as advocates for the SfL cause
Context cont. All the above go to emphasis the fact that SfL has become an authority as far as complementary education is concerned. This has urged us on to turn into a resource centre so that interested organizations and individuals will learn from us and spread the gospel of complementary basic education As a resource centre within seven months SfL has gained the confidence of an NGO Innovations for Poverty Action and has been tasked to lead the implementation of a project aimed at providing remedial lessons to lower primary children who are backward in class
Objectives of the resource centre are to; Provide technical support to a government and private sector actors (both local and international) in education to ensure quality education Gather, collate and share best practices in basic level pedagogy with relevant stakeholders Develop educational materials to improve quality teaching and learning Provide training to teachers to improve performance Provide training to replicating organizations on SfL pedagogical strategies
Services provided Development and planning of relevant training programmes Development of relevant teaching and learning materials Support interested organizations to replicate the SfL complementary education model Translation of relevant materials into Ghanaian languages based on demand
Target groups Ministry of Education/Ghana Education Service NGOs, CBOs, CSOs in education Development partners Private schools and individuals Schools and institutions
Vision of the Resource Centre Continue to provide technical support in the teaching of mother tongue literacy and the use of child centered methodology in schools Prepare programmes and train teachers in both public and private schools to deliver quality basic education Continue to run literacy classes to serve as demonstration for the unique methodology Provide nationwide support to the CBE when it is finally rolled out
Vision cont. Research into new pedagogies and share with relevant stakeholders Carry out studies into the implementation of interventions put in place by the government to improve quality education and make recommendations for improvement, e.g. the implementation of NALAP Grow into a reputable resource centre aimed at bringing a revolution in education delivery in the country and the sub-region
Conclusion With this vision SfL hope to nurture the resource centre to serve as one of the best places to fall on for innovative practice in the provision of quality basic education in the sub-region. Thanks for your attention