Author: HARPER LEE Publisher: HarperCollins Ethnicity: Gothic Southern Recommended for 10 th grade; adaptable for 7-12th TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD
SUMMARY Set in the deep South during the Great Depression. The story is told from the perspective of Scout Finch, the 8 year old daughter of Atticus Finch, the town lawyer. Scout, her brother Jem, and their friend Dill are fascinated and terrified by the reclusive neighborhood boogeyman named Boo Radley. Boo sometimes leaves small gifts in the hollow of an oak tree for the children but never shows himself in public. Atticus is court ordered to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, for the rape of a white girl, Mayella Ewell. Atticus and family are faced with lynch mobs and threats for their association with this controversial case. At the trial, it is discovered that Mayella made sexual advances towards Tom Robinson. Mayellas father, Bob Ewell, knows the truth but lies to protect his daughter and his family name.
SUMMARY – CONT -- Although the evidence pointed towards innocence, Tom Robinson was found guilty (guilty of being a black man disputing a white mans testimony). He was later shot 17 times attempting to escape from prison. Bob Ewell, also the town drunk, was publicly humiliated by Atticus during the trial. He swears vengeance on the Finch family. As Scout and Jem return from a Halloween Pageant they are attacked by Bob Ewell in the woods. Jems arm is broken and Scout is nearly killed just before they are dramatically rescued by a mysterious man who has stabbed Bob Ewell with his own knife. With Scouts help, the sheriff discovers that Boo Radley is the heroic man. The sheriff then convinces Atticus that Bob Ewell has fallen on his own knife during the scuffle. Scout then walks the mentally challenged Boo Radley home and tries to imagine life from his perspective.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION Atticus warns Scout that its a sin to kill a mockingbird. What do you think is meant by this statement? Name two people that symbolize the mockingbird in this story. Why?
ACTIVATOR Ask the question to the class: When is it Okay to use the n word? Literature? Rap Music? With friends? Never?
Teaching Method (Chain-link Teaching Strategy) TM There are 31 chapters in this book; each student will be assigned a chapter to read and be able to discuss in class. For 6 days, 5 students will sequentially summarize their chapters to the class. Discussion follows.
VISUAL On the 7 th day, we rest, and watch the academy award winning film (starring Gregory Peck) and put all the pieces together.