Building your child’s literacy skills: Kindergarten to Year 2
Ideas for building literacy skills Your support at home can: build confidence and develop the motivation to learn improve your child’s reading and thinking strategies help your child to learn new information and make meaning out of what they are taught in class provide multiple perspectives to help your child rethink events and issues
Ideas for building literacy skills Your support at home can: build confidence and develop the motivation to learn improve your child’s reading and thinking strategies help your child to learn new information and make meaning out of what they are taught in class provide multiple perspectives to help your child rethink events and issues deepen your child’s knowledge and vocabulary.
What to read Explore a wide range of materials together with your child: picture books or story books biographies websites newspaper and magazine articles informational picture books.
Writing Writing can be used as a tool to enhance a reader’s learning about texts. [Quotation from Winch, G. et al. (2008) Literacy, 3rd edition, Oxford Press, p.198]
Ideas for building literacy skills
Ideas for building literacy skills
Building literacy confidence