AIMS Brief overview of eczema Enable early recognition & effective management
CLASSIFICATION OF ECZEMA ENDOGENOUS Atopic Seborrheic Discoid Pompholyx / dyshidrotic Varicose / venous / stasis / gravitational EXOGENOUS Allergic contact Irritant contact Photosensitive / photoaggravated
MANAGEMENT OF EXOGENOUS EZCEMA Avoidance of offending agent Topical steroids +/- prednisolone Patch testing for allergic contact dermatitis or photo- patch testing for photo-allergic dermatitis Soap substitutes and emollients
HISTORY Age of onset? H/O childhood eczema? Any evidence of worsening eczema with diet? If so, which type of food? Areas affected? Worsening / improving / static disease? Eczema free days? Pruritus? If so, does it keep the patient up at night? Antibiotics? Hospitalisation for infective flare ups? H/O eczema herpeticum? H/O erythroderma?
PMH: Atopy? FH: - Atopy? - Ask specifically if any siblings. If has siblings, atopy? DH: - What meds? - Previous treatments? Helpful / unhelpful? - Current treatment? Helpful / unhelpful? - Always ask about: Frequency of application and quantities used! SS, shampoo, emollient, topical steroid, steroid sparing agent, scalp applications, suits, antihistamines Days off school / work?
MANAGEMENT Bath additives (antibacterial?) Soap substitute (antibacterial?) and shampoo Emollient Topical steroid (combination with topical antibiotic?) Steroid sparing agents eg. topical tacrolimus Scalp application Potassium permanganate soaks
Suits Bandaging eg. viscopaste, tubigrip Antihistamines (driving advice!) Allergen avoidance Dietitician involvement? Occupational health involvement IgE levels? (inteprete with caution!) Systemic treatment eg. prednisolone, ciclosporin etc
Tailor treatment to each INDIVIDUAL patient’s needs and adapt management plan to increase compliance! Remember Afrocaribbean / Black people only wash their hair once a week and may be reluctant to use certain topical treatment if hair relaxed. Ask patient if they are willing to change hairstyle. Nurse involvement in skin care regimen REMEMBER: 1 FTU = 0.5 grams = Covers surface area equivalent to 2 palms Ensure patient is aware of this and prescribe adequate amounts of topical treatment!
ERYTHRODERMA > 90% involvement of inflammatory skin disease Causes: - Eczema - Psoriasis - CTCL (Sezary syndrome) - Drugs - Lymphoma / leukaemia - GvHD - HIV - Idiopathic
Consequences: - Heat loss - Fluid loss (Hypovolaemia and renal failure) - Electrolyte imbalance - High output cardiac failure - Hypoalbunaemia - Hyperuricaemia - Death! Mx (Symptomatic): - Rx underlying condition / remove offending drug - Temperature control - IV fluids - Dietician input +/- ITU admission
SUMMARY Brief overview of eczema Early recognition and effective management Early involvement of Dermatologist when eczema is poorly controlled +/- erythrodermic or if patch test is required