PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA 2015 PRATHAM PROGRAMS Improve LITERACY and LEARNING ENGAGE dropouts and offer them a chance to EARN a diploma Impart MARKETABLE SKILLS and provide JOB PLACEMENT MEASURE and provide RELIABLE DATA of children’s learning levels Achieve extensive IMPACT by SCALING up successful models
PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA 2015 HOW TO PLEDGE Instructions, if applicable
PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA And fund intensive academic classes that boost children's basic reading and math skills $20,000 supports learning camps in 25 rural villages, reaching 1,250 children $5,000 sustains an urban learning center in one slum community, reaching 200 children MAKE A PLEDGE
PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA And promote access to secondary education for adolescent dropouts $10,000 aids 25 dropouts, primarily girls and women, to earn their diploma and improve their prospects for higher education and employment MAKE A PLEDGE
PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA And provide sustained access to books $1,000 establishes libraries in 25 rural villages, reaching 500 children; each library is furnished with books, story cards and learning materials MAKE A PLEDGE
PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA And help a disenfranchised young adult gain economic self-sufficiency $30,000 supports 90 youth from rural and semi-urban areas to get industry-specific vocational training and job placement $20,000 helps 25 aspiring entrepreneurs set up micro-enterprises MAKE A PLEDGE
PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA of innovation, education, and opportunity BECOME A CHAMPION Final slide - option 1
PRATHAM AUSTIN GALA of innovation, education, and opportunity $30,000 TRAINS 90 youth $20,000 LAUNCHES 25 entrepreneurs $20,000 SUPPORTS literacy camps in 25 villages $10,000 ENGAGES 25 dropouts $5,000 SUSTAINS an urban learning center $1,000 ESTABLISHES a library in 25 villages BECOME A CHAMPION Final slide - option 2