CAREER OPPORTUNITIES 7.01 Summarize career opportunities in the travel, tourism, and recreation industry.
Current status of the industry… Fastest growing industry in the US – $537.2 billion indirect travel expenditures – 3 rd largest retail sales industry – 18 million travel-generated jobs – $157 billion travel-generated payroll – One out of seven civilian workers directly or indirectly employed in travel and tourism – 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd largest employer for 28 states – Spending by resident travelers and international travelers in the US averaged $1.5 billion a day, $61 million an hour, $1 million a minute, and $17 thousand a second
Lodging industry careers… 223 job titles, such as – Guest services – Group sales manager – Convention services coordinator – Executive housekeeper – Front office manager
Cruise industry careers… Increased by 1,200% from Generated over 275,000 jobs in 2002 – Sales representative – Revenue management analyst – Fleet health and safety supervisor –Social director and staff –Casino operations manager –Entertainment troupe member
Other water travel careers… Ferry boat operation Barge trips on the major rivers of Europe Riverboat companies Sightseeing boat companies Private yachts specializing in short dining/entertainment trips Yacht companies offering cruises
Car rental industry careers… Employ 250,000 and generate $25 billion – Customer service manager – Director of marketing/sales – Distribution manager – Director of global sales – Rental agent
Motor coach industry careers… Driver Dispatcher Scheduler Advertising executive Tour planner Customer service agent
Passenger railroad industry careers… Employ 25,000 people Salaries very competitive with the travel industry in general – Onboard service personnel – Station personnel – Reservations and information agent – City and station ticket agent – Engineers – Careers with privately operated scenic railroads
Air transportation industry careers… Currently in transition due to economic conditions and effect of 9/11/01 attacks – Customer service agent – Partnership marketing manager – Training manager – Reservations agent/ticket agent – Fleet service employee – District sales manager
Travel agency careers… Experiencing competition from the use of Internet technology – Webmaster – Frontline agent – Group specialist – Cruise specialist – Document control specialist – Data specialist
Recreation industry careers… Four business categories – Entertainment – Attractions – Spectator sports – Sports Represents over $400 billion in annual expenditures Career opportunities are found in such recreation- related destinations as parks, museums, zoos, theme parks, stadiums, casinos, and resorts.
Careers in theme parks and attractions… Incentive sales Corporate sales Entertainment technician supervisor Manager of admissions and guest relations Safety and security manager
Convention and meeting planning careers… Involve every aspect of planning from selection of a theme/objective to post- meeting evaluation Planning done for companies, trade groups, government agencies, associations, educational and religious organizations Industry generates $100 billion in spending
Food service industry careers… Food and beverage director Catering manager Waitpersons Chef Marketing and sales director Restaurant host/hostess
Convention and visitor bureau careers… Opportunities in destination promotion May be part of local government – Convention sales manager – Advertising manager – Group tour specialist – Group travel coordinator
E-travel careers… Technology has revolutionized the way the travel industry does business. – Web designer – Web programmer – Director of online business development – Customer service agent
Entrepreneurship The travel, tourism, and recreation marketing industry offers many opportunities for entrepreneurs to start- up and operate successful businesses.
Myths related to working in the industry Working in the industry ensures free travel anywhere in the world. Jobs in the industry pay only minimum wage. The only jobs require shift work and provide only part-time employment. All jobs require working face-to-face with the public.
Myths related to working in the industry (cont.) Travel, tourism, and recreation marketing provides only temporary jobs for students until they can find employment related to a career. No post-secondary education or training is required. A post-secondary education will ensure a management level position. Jobs in this industry are limited to hotels, airlines, and travel agencies. This industry is not affected by changes and advances in technology.
Advantages to working in the industry Variety of experiences Being of service to people Working with co-workers Potential for advancement Opportunities these careers offer Opportunity to interact with and learn from people from all over the world Easy access to entry-level positions Many different areas of training Income supplemented by tips and bonuses Opportunities to be creative