Title III Part-B Higher Education Act 1965, as amended Higher Education Opportunity Act, Sec. 308 Amendments effective August 2008
Established prior to 1964 Principal mission was, and is, education of black Americans
PELL recipients enrolled Prior year graduates Enrolled graduate school students
Academic Programs Administrative Management Fiscal Stability
REVIEW OF LEGISLATION, REGULATIONS and CIRCULARS Legislation, Statute, or Act – Establish the law Regulation – Implements the law OMB Circular A-21 – Provides guidance
Pell (50%) of Award + Graduates (25%) of Award + Percent of Grad. School Enrollees Award (25%) Univ. A ‘s Total Award = $1,560,157
FY ALLOCATION/2 x UNIV. PELL RECIPIENTS TOTAL HBCU PELL $238,095,000/2= $119,000,000 $119,000,000 x 1,000 Pell students=$700,000 70,000 Total Pell
FY ALLOCATION /4 X INSTITUTION’S GRADUATES TOTAL HBCU GRADUATES $238,095,000 = $59,523,750 4 $59,523,750 x 400 Univ. Grads = $466,853 51,000 Total Grads
FY ALLOCATION/4 X UNIV. GRAD ENROLLEES Total HBCU Grads $238,095,000 = $59,523,750 4 $59,523,750 x.1567 % UNIV. GRAD. ENROLLEES Total % HBCU grads Total = $393,304
SINGLE YEAR AWARD Pell $700,000 50% Grads $466,853 25% Grad School $393,304 25% Grant Award $1,560, %
1) Purchase or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment 2) Construction, maintenance, renovation of instructional facilities
3) Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development 4) Academic instruction in which Black Americans are underrepresented 5) Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials
6) Tutoring, counseling, and student service programs 7) Funds and administrative management, and acquisition of equipment
8) Joint use of facilities, ex., laboratories, libraries 9) Establish or improve a development office to improve contributions 10) Establish or enhance a program of teacher education
11) Establish community outreach programs 12) Establish and maintain an endowment
13) Purchase of real property 14) Financial information to improve literacy Up to 2% of grant for needed services
o Activities inconsistent with State plan for desegregation o Activities related to sectarian instruction or religious worship o Activities provided by a school of divinity
Program Limitations Program Limitations Not more than 20% use for endowment 50% limit on construction of instructional facilities 2% limit for services to implement project
Performance Period = ED commitment 10/1/2007 – 9/30/2012 Five one-year budget periods 10/1/2010 – 9/30/2011 Five year extension on unexpended funds ex. fiscal year period
Work closely with President & Administrators Coordinate application preparation Liaison with ED Program Specialist Review and approve grant expenditures
Reconcile expenditures with Business Office Monitor & document project compliance Project evaluation Maintain records on grant activities Role of ProjectDirector (continued)
Approving all changes to activities Maintain equipment inventory
Maintain federal Title III grant as restricted fund Secure Title III project director authorization for grant expenditures
Drawdown, reporting, audit (GAPS) (G5) Maintain record of all expenditures Reconcile transactions with Project Director
Annual Performance Reports (APR) Final Performance Reports (FPR)
Reasons include: Institution’s monitoring index Complaints Request for technical assistance General program-wide assessments Exemplary project
All funded applications Any modifications to the original application Annual Performance Reports (APR’s) Financial records Audit Readiness Audit Readiness
Approved budgets Project staff organizational chart Position descriptions Equipment inventory (labeled as ED) Project policies and procedures
OMB Circular A-21 – Cost Principles for Institutions of Higher Education ( U.S. Department of Education ( Institutional Services
Contact Information Contact Information John L. Hunt & Associates Consultants Federal Higher Education Programs Washington, D.C. (202)