The Chicken Lady’s SoTL Project… Jackie B. Hoffman, Ph.D. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Department of Poultry Science In honor of Alix… 1) Stand up 2) Get your wings ready 3) Shake it!
SoTL Research Question: Is it possible to utilize case studies as an intervention to improve student engagement of two distinct student populations in an Introductory Poultry Science Course? Technology Concentration rural background very basic science background aspire to work in the poultry industry in animal production and management Science Concentration urban/suburban advanced science background aspire to become veterinarians/researchers Engagement Intervention case studies framed in the context of an industry based problem that has a physiological causation factor
Experimental Design: Cross-Over Fall Semester 2010: -Primarily Freshmen - Larger proportion of technology students than in spring - Traditional lecture format Spring Semester 2011: -Primarily Sophomores/Juniors - Larger proportion of science concentration students than in fall - Case study format (balanced groups by GPA, mix concentrations, team-based format) Fall Semester 2011: -Primarily Freshmen - Larger proportion of technology concentration students than in spring - Case study format (balanced groups by GPA, mix concentrations, team-based format) Spring Semester 2012: -Primarily Sophomores/Juniors - Larger proportion of science concentration students than in fall - Refine case studies or traditional lecture format if sample size is too small
Assessments: Class demographics- student survey (qltv/qtv) External evaluator: M.S. Agricultural Education - will conduct behavioral observations of instructor and students each semester to profile classroom interactions, individuals’ behaviors etc. (qltv/qtv) Class attendance (qtv.) Class participation (student-initiated vs. instructor-requested) (qltv/qtv) Office hour visits (qtv) Attendance at optional exam review sessions (qtv) Improvement in exam grades (qtv) Bloom exams to assess level of cognition (qtv)