Algebra I Online Program Hybrid Model
Program Goals Provide students with… Certified and qualified Algebra instructor (online) In-class teacher (f2f) High-quality Technology-Rich Algebra I curriculum Provide uncertified classroom teacher with… Opportunities to extend understanding and skills to teach Algebra I Support needed to facilitate the in-class algebra learning experiences of the student Professional development opportunities that will support efforts toward math certification
Program Blends Online and Face-to-Face Instruction
Online Professional Development for In-Class Teachers
F2F Professional Development for In-Class Teachers
Real World Applications Example: Using technology to describe exact movements with a folder to match graphs
Online Professional Development for Online Instructors Creation of PencastsCreation of TI-Nspire Activities
Parent MeetingsSynchronous Tutoring Personalizing Virtual Learning
STUDENT OUTCOMES Spring 2011 TEACHER OUTCOMES Algebra EOC Exam · 95% Excellent, Good, or Fair __________________________________ LEAP Exam · 94% Basic or Above __________________________________ Final Algebra Grade · 76% earned A or B __________________________________ What Students Liked Best · Using technology to learn Math · Working with other students · Exposure to a new experience 164 Classroom teachers participated in the program 16% extended their areas of Certification 10 Secondary Mathematics Certifications 4 Algebra I Add-on Endorsements 8 Middle School Mathematics Certifications 3 National Board Certifications in Mathematics/ Early Adolescence 1 Masters in Teaching and Learning with Technology Certification 1 teacher earned a Masters in Education OUTCOMES
Professional Development for Potential LVS Teachers EDC’s Instructing Virtual School Students course In-depth exploration of effective strategies for teaching virtually –Introduction to Teaching Students Online –Building an Online Learning Community –Identifying Supporting Resources for an Online Course –Using LMS Instructor Tools –Power of Online Discussion in Virtual Classroom –Managing Diverse Learning Needs in Virtual Classroom –Assessing Students in Virtual Classroom
Online instructor professional development –Monthly webinars –Summer Faculty Summit Online instructor evaluation tool –Developed using iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses Professional Development and Evaluation for All LVS Teachers
Gates Next Generation Learning Challenge Grant The NGLC grant allows for expansion of the LVS Algebra course to include embedded learning modules that address the development of deeper competencies with mastery of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Unit 3 Descriptive Statistics
Expansion of Educational Resources Desired Experiences More active student engagement Self-directed student learning Productive discussions among student teams w h en completing real-world applications Students better able to assess their own progress with guidance from the online instructor More students demonstrating proficiencies because of ability to select the resources that suit individual learning styles Significant student growth observed on deeper learning competencies
Program Contact Louisiana Department of Education College and Career Readiness Louisiana Virtual School Dianne Gauthier