SHSM Specialist High Skills Major
@ TAB Arts and Culture: Started September 2009! Energy and Communications and Information Technology: Starting September 2010
What is SHSM? Program Overview: The SHSM program is a new Halton region program offering first hand training in all 4 career pathway destinations: Apprenticeship, College, University and Workplace. Students can gain industry certifications such as WHMIS, Standard First Aid, Adult CPR and industry specific topics in any of their SHSM's : Arts and Culture, Energy or Information and Communications Technology... But there are also certifications customized for each SHSM.
This program will enable students to be prepared for industry-identified knowledge, skills and certifications. “Reach ahead” and “on the job” learning opportunities will focus on the major area. (SchooltoCareer database of employers) (Onsorts to track students)
ASSIST: Able Students Supporting Information Sector Technology Communications and Information Technology Sector
Program Overview: This program focuses on preparing students for work, apprenticeship or continued studies in the Information Technology sector, Computer Engineering and Computer Programming. Service and maintenance, networks, interfacing, robotics, JAVA programming and Web Design with PHP are some of the hot topics in this growing fast paced sector. There are plenty of IT sector employment opportunities in the next five years.
Students will: Along with taking 2 Information Technology courses you will also take Math, Science, Business and English courses. These courses contain one or more units of study that focus on skills and knowledge geared to the Information Technology sector. IT courses contain opportunities to gain sector recognized qualifications such as the CISCO Discovery and Explorations 1,2,3,4 certificates and WHIMIS, CPR and First Aid qualifications.
Course Package: Computer Engineering, Computer Programming or Technological Design, Math, English, Business and Coop
Who would be interested in the program? Students who have an interest in computers, software development,Web Design, engineering, robotics computer services.
Program Delivery Schedule This program will start in September 2010 at Blakelock HS and EC Drury High School.
Application Details and Contact information: Contact Mr. Payne Mr. Butterworth or Guidance
How does the school benefit? SHSM programs add to the rich variety of learning opportunities offered at TAB SHSM programs are funded SHSM programs give students the opportunity to earn a special diploma plus other certifications
What’s next? Advertise the program Find community sponsors and resources Write Contextualized Learning Units in Math, English and Business
CLAs Math, English and Business Funded Done by February or June