Brief History 10/04 – HSR Commission jointly appointed by Governor, BESE, & BOR 05/05 - Commission enacted into Statute First Commission Report & recommendations released Stand Alone HSR Division Established 10/04 – HSR Commission jointly appointed by Governor, BESE, & BOR 05/05 - Commission enacted into Statute First Commission Report & recommendations released Stand Alone HSR Division Established
THE FACTS 32% of students entering LA colleges require remedial coursework 60% of students do not return for the sophomore year 72% of LA employers report difficulty in finding qualified applicants 47% of employers report difficulty in finding applicants with adequate reading skills. 80% of jobs in the near future will require some level of postsecondary education 32% of students entering LA colleges require remedial coursework 60% of students do not return for the sophomore year 72% of LA employers report difficulty in finding qualified applicants 47% of employers report difficulty in finding applicants with adequate reading skills. 80% of jobs in the near future will require some level of postsecondary education
GOAL 1 – Reduce Dropouts & Increase Graduation Rate 10 Year Target Increase the graduation rate from 64.8% to 80% Cut the dropout rate in half.
WHY STUDENTS DROPOUT Top 5 Reasons Classes not interesting47% Missed too many days to catch-up43% Friends not interested in school42% Too much freedom; not enough rules38% Failing in school35%
DROPOUT EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (DEWS) Statewide electronic system - identifies students who are at high risk of dropping out. Absenteeism Low or failing grades Disciplinary referrals Appropriate interventions provided. Statewide electronic system - identifies students who are at high risk of dropping out. Absenteeism Low or failing grades Disciplinary referrals Appropriate interventions provided.
CATCH-UP INSTRUCTION Students 2 or more years behind in reading and or math “Double dose” instruction Accelerated curriculum designed for struggling adolescent learners Students 2 or more years behind in reading and or math “Double dose” instruction Accelerated curriculum designed for struggling adolescent learners
$5 million in grants to district) CREDIT RECOVERY ($5 million in grants to district) New Policy Allows Students to: Recover credit with less seat time Stay on track with age-level peers New Policy Allows Students to: Recover credit with less seat time Stay on track with age-level peers
Credit Recovery Year One Data Very Encouraging! Number of credits earned: English669.5 Math546.5 Science322 Social Studies219.5 Other27.5 Total1,785 Number of credits earned: English669.5 Math546.5 Science322 Social Studies219.5 Other27.5 Total1,785
9 th Grade Initiative Year One Data We had a very successful year! Improvements were noted in each measured category Personalization key Personalization activities were the key to improvement We had a very successful year! Improvements were noted in each measured category Personalization key Personalization activities were the key to improvement
9 th to 10 th Grade Promotion Rate
9 th Grade Dropout Rate
9 th Grade Attendance Rate
9 th Grade Students Failing One or More Core Classes
9 th Grade Students Suspended
9 th Grade Students Expelled
9 th Grade Students Scoring Basic or Above on ELA iLeap
9 th Grade Students Scoring Basic or Above on Math iLeap
GOAL 2 – Increase Readiness for Postsecondary Education Require 4 th Year of Math End of course exams Alignment of standards & GLEs with college ready expectations Expanded AP Offerings through LVS AP Training for Teachers – expand Require 4 th Year of Math End of course exams Alignment of standards & GLEs with college ready expectations Expanded AP Offerings through LVS AP Training for Teachers – expand
Goal 3: Increase Career Readiness Career Exploration & Planning LA ePortal – Educ. & Career Planning Website Career Interest Inventories & Assessments 8 th Grade – EXPLORE; 10 Grade – PLAN Education for Careers Course Required for Career area of Concentration Job Shadowing/Internships Statewide Communications Campaign LA ePortal – Educ. & Career Planning Website Career Interest Inventories & Assessments 8 th Grade – EXPLORE; 10 Grade – PLAN Education for Careers Course Required for Career area of Concentration Job Shadowing/Internships Statewide Communications Campaign
Career-Ready Core Curriculum Alignment of content standards & GLEs with workplace competencies Integration of literacy and work based learning activities into LA Comprehensive Curriculum Alignment of content standards & GLEs with workplace competencies Integration of literacy and work based learning activities into LA Comprehensive Curriculum
CTE Program Improvements & Expansion Align Curriculum with National/State IBCs Articulation with LCTCS Training/National Cert. for all CTE Instructors Revisions to Teacher Cert. Policy Allows instruction by journeymen & other experts New state developed courses New funding & accountability policies (rewards) Align Curriculum with National/State IBCs Articulation with LCTCS Training/National Cert. for all CTE Instructors Revisions to Teacher Cert. Policy Allows instruction by journeymen & other experts New state developed courses New funding & accountability policies (rewards)
Goal 4: Increase Participation in Postsecondary Education Expansion of Dual Enrollment Courses Increased Statewide articulation agreements Establishment of Early College High Schools Increased LCTCS recruitment efforts Summer programs for disadvantaged youth to experience college life Increased access & funding sources (LA ePortal) GO Grants; TOP Tech; TOPS Expansion of Dual Enrollment Courses Increased Statewide articulation agreements Establishment of Early College High Schools Increased LCTCS recruitment efforts Summer programs for disadvantaged youth to experience college life Increased access & funding sources (LA ePortal) GO Grants; TOP Tech; TOPS
It’s An Exciting Time for Louisiana High School Students! Together We Can Make a Difference!
ALTERNATIVE DIPLOMA Alternative Diploma Task Force currently developing recommendations for alternative diploma requirements for Special Education Students
LA ePORTAL One-stop electronic resource for educational and career planning 5-Year Plans/Personal Portfolios Personal Profiler Career exploration Postsecondary information Version 2.0 released 10/08 – more interactive One-stop electronic resource for educational and career planning 5-Year Plans/Personal Portfolios Personal Profiler Career exploration Postsecondary information Version 2.0 released 10/08 – more interactive
8 th Grade LEAP Policy Revise appeals process Allow districts to choose campus placement for LEAP failures Allow LEAP failures to earn Carnegie credits in all subjects except those on which they earned failing LEAP scores Revise appeals process Allow districts to choose campus placement for LEAP failures Allow LEAP failures to earn Carnegie credits in all subjects except those on which they earned failing LEAP scores
STATE LITERACY PLAN Literacy for All Literacy instruction across the curriculum Literacy coach in every school Regular diagnostic testing 3-tiered program of interventions Literacy instruction across the curriculum Literacy coach in every school Regular diagnostic testing 3-tiered program of interventions
INCREASE CTE OFFERINGS Nationally recognized curricula leading to Industry Based Certifications (IBC’s) 20 statewide articulation agreements -More to come! Changes to Graduation Index to serve as incentive for districts/schools Communications campaign to direct more students to technical colleges and careers More work-based learning opportunities Nationally recognized curricula leading to Industry Based Certifications (IBC’s) 20 statewide articulation agreements -More to come! Changes to Graduation Index to serve as incentive for districts/schools Communications campaign to direct more students to technical colleges and careers More work-based learning opportunities
LA CORE 4 CURRICULUM 4 rigorous courses in English, Math, Science and Social Studies, plus other course requirements All students must enroll, but may select the Basic Core after 2 years (requires parent’s permission and counselor approval) Flexibility to allow students to complete CTE program BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders of 4 rigorous courses in English, Math, Science and Social Studies, plus other course requirements All students must enroll, but may select the Basic Core after 2 years (requires parent’s permission and counselor approval) Flexibility to allow students to complete CTE program BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders of
INCREASE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Require a 4 th year of math (Only additional requirement) Changes credits required from 23 to 24 New BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders in Require a 4 th year of math (Only additional requirement) Changes credits required from 23 to 24 New BESE policy becomes effective for 9 th graders in
DUAL ENROLLMENT Funding for dual enrollment (BOR – Early Start) $2 million in $4 million in $5 million in Three types of courses Academic Developmental CTE Funding for dual enrollment (BOR – Early Start) $2 million in $4 million in $5 million in Three types of courses Academic Developmental CTE
CAREER PREPARATION FOR BASIC CORE STUDENTS Tentative Recommendation HSR Commission Career area of concentration Education for Careers course WorkKeys training and assessment Tentative Recommendation HSR Commission Career area of concentration Education for Careers course WorkKeys training and assessment
END OF COURSE TESTS Tests being phased in Algebra I and Geometry English II and English III Biology and Physical Science Civics and American History May count as part of final course grade Tentative Plan is to Replace GEE Pass 1 math, 1 English, 1 Science or Social Studies Become effective for 9 th graders of Tests being phased in Algebra I and Geometry English II and English III Biology and Physical Science Civics and American History May count as part of final course grade Tentative Plan is to Replace GEE Pass 1 math, 1 English, 1 Science or Social Studies Become effective for 9 th graders of
COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM REVISIONS Aligned with college expectations Increased relevancy Literacy infusion Aligned with college expectations Increased relevancy Literacy infusion
DEVELOPMENT OF NEW COURSES Courses with high workplace relevancy To be available for : Senior Applications in English Senior Applications in Math/Math Essentials Other courses such as Anatomy/Physiology to be developed Courses with high workplace relevancy To be available for : Senior Applications in English Senior Applications in Math/Math Essentials Other courses such as Anatomy/Physiology to be developed
MORE ADVANCED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES New AP courses through Louisiana Virtual School Training of AP teachers Expansion of dual enrollment programs