CSCD 434 Network Security Spring 2014 Lecture 1 Course Overview
Contact Information Instructor Carol Taylor 315 CEB Phone: Office hours: M, W, F 1 – 2 pm Course Time Mon, Wed 2 – 4:30 pm Room: CEB 227 Lecture and CEB 342 Lab
Course Information Course number: CSCD 434 Network Security Course Web Page
Overview Today’s Topics What is network security and how does it fit within EWU curriculum? Network Security fits within the broader topic of general security Some expectations Learning Objectives for this course Pre-test of network security
Network Security Defined Network Security – How would you define it? – Protection of networks and their services from unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure – Study of both attack and defense techniques that affect the network
Our Curriculum CSCD 330 – Network programming – Basic networking course with an emphasis on programming CSCD 433/533 – Advanced Networking – More depth, cover network principles, design – Cover other protocols, real-time, QOS – Some programming
Our Curriculum CSCD 434 Network Security – Computer networks focus of both threats and defense. – Begin with coverage of Attacks and Attackers What they typically do to gain access to computers on a network Examine different phases of an attack Learn tools and techniques attackers use – Try some out in the lab Try to answer, Why attack?
Our Curriculum CSCD434 continued … – Talk about Defense Mechanisms against attackers Detection/Prevention – Network security policies Authentication, users and machines Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Use of Cryptography as network defense – Whats its real value? – Where it works and where it doesn’t work
General Computer Security How do you define computer security? – Application of hardware, firmware and software security To a computer system in order to protect against, or prevent, Unauthorized disclosure, Manipulation, and deletion of information or Denial of service
General Computer Security Where does network security fit within a security curriculum? – Introductory Security class, CSCD303 Basics of computer security, code and hardware vulnerabilities, OS protection mechanisms, cryptography based protection, authentication – Cryptography Algorithms and math that define cryptography
General Computer Security CSCD496 - Computer or Digital Forensics Capture data related to proof of electronic crimes Recoverability of data from both host and network CSCD437 - Secure Coding taught by Tom Capul Learn how to avoid software vulnerabilities Attacks that can take advantage of code vulnerabilities and how to create more secure programs
Network and General Security Overlap of Topics General Security Network Security Cryptography Forensics Secure Coding
Pre-requisite Knowledge Pre-requisites – Network course Should know basic TCP/IP networks – Knowledge of programming such as C, C++, C# or Java, Python or Pearl We will review some networking concepts – Point you to some supplemental material on TCP/IP Networks to fill in the gaps
Student Learning Objectives By end of this course you should – Understand threats to computer systems through network – Understand and be able to set up defense mechanisms used to counteract threats – Understand role of cryptography in network defense – Know how to continue learning about network security beyond this class Certifications, Journals, Web Sites
Expectations for You Come to Class – Listen, learn and ask lots of questions Download lecture notes Do reading if assigned – There will be outside reading!!!! Want in-class participation There will be group exercises in class Labs
Expectations for You Produce a project Programming or experiment Short write up of results Presentation of your results Or Create a research paper Survey paper And do a presentation of a topic
Project or Program This will be a substantial part of your grade And, you can become a group too – Groups need to outline who is doing which job – Work should reflect greater effort from a group
Conclusion Interesting class, increase everyone’s knowledge of network security Topic is challenging Broad and changes constantly Nothing really difficult, but is a large topic Naturally interdisciplinary – Extends beyond the technical Social and people-related issues Policy and laws We will cover some of this
The End This week no Lab Next Time – General Security Overview