Management of stakeholder relationships and communication at Statistics Finland UNECE Works Session on Statistical Dissemination and Communication Geneva, May, 2008 Heli Mikkelä, Statistics Finland
15 May 20082Heli Mikkelä Communication and its role in Statistics Finland Managing communication Examples and experiences Towards the future
15 May 20083Heli Mikkelä The functions of corporate communication (Leif Åberg) Total communi- cations external market- ing inter- nal mar- ket- ing work instruct- ions intro- duction to work Introduction to organi- zation internal PR & scanning external PR & scanning product/ services profile & surveys corporate/ manager profile & surveys External social networks Internal grapevine
15 May 20084Heli Mikkelä Mission: Statistics Finland combines data with expertise to produce statistics and information services for the needs of society, promotes the use of statistics and develops national official statistics. Vision: Statistics Finland is a top organisation in its field, recognised nationally and internationally for its high-quality data production and expertise, and for its co-operative and service capacity.
15 May 20085Heli Mikkelä To take into account when communicating and disseminating - e.g., Operational strategy =>=> Communication strategy =>=> Management policy Strategy for network services Policy for international co- operation ICT-strategy Customer service principles Guidelines for releasing data Statistical ethics: guidelines and principles Quality guidelines for statistics Guidelines for official statistics Recommendations by the Prime Minister’s Office on the principles and procedure of Central Government communications Legislation: Statistical Act, Act on Openness, Copyright law... =>
15 May 20086Heli Mikkelä Reliable data producer National and international trust Basic data of high quality Statistics Finland's critical success factors Mission Vision Values Good service for data users Consistent production of statistics that meet users’ needs Clear service selection Better and more uniformly Increasingly efficient statistical production process Target-oriented and controlled change Professionally Competent personnel Learning organisation Healthy work community More for less Flexibility Improvement of productivity <=
15 May 20087Heli Mikkelä Communication strategy of Statistics Finland <=
15 May 20088Heli Mikkelä Managing = balancing Resources Response burden Information needs Management
15 May 20089Heli Mikkelä Statistics Finland’s stakeholders What is the strategic role of various stakeholders? What is the stake in each case?
15 May Heli Mikkelä Processes and competencies Systematic analysis and development Target setting Co-ordination and standardisation Continuous improvement Monitoring of results Engagement of staff Publishing processes Training and support of personnel
15 May Heli Mikkelä Examples of stakeholder co-operation and communication 1/4 High-level strategic co-operation Annual/biannual meetings on top-level Ministries, organisations representing economic and business life, parties of the The National Statistical Service Decision makers, e.g. meetings with parliamentary groups and Finnish MEPs
15 May Heli Mikkelä Examples of stakeholder co-operation and communication 2/4 Data suppliers Annual co-operative meetings and co-operative groups Steering and co-operative groups Universities and research organisations Methodological co-operation Trainees and theses Use of statistical data
15 May Heli Mikkelä Examples of stakeholder co-operation and communication 3/4 Information users Media Customer Relations Management Co-operative groups for various statistical themes Strategy for economic statistics Statistical literacy
15 May Heli Mikkelä Examples of stakeholder co-operation and communication 4/4 Monitoring and scanning the operational environment An essential part of the work of the employees Surveys: corporate image, user, stakeholder, personnel, e.g. Anonymous customer feed back system BI-system
15 May Heli Mikkelä Results?
15 May Heli Mikkelä Interactive relations, mutual understanding Legitimacy => => Development of products and services Rationalising of statistical production in Finland as a whole Use of administrative and register based data Moderate discussion about response burden, relatively high response rates Methodological development The image of Statistics Finland as an employer Personnel: competencies, understanding, views => What have we gained?
15 May Heli Mikkelä Reliability of information produced by Statistics Finland
15 May Heli Mikkelä Objectivity of information produced by Statistics Finland % of respondents
15 May Heli Mikkelä Do the citizens get enough information about the meaning of statistical information? % of respondents <=
15 May Heli Mikkelä Towards the future
15 May Heli Mikkelä Towards profitable communication with... Priorities Processes Public Profiling Personnel Practices Professionalism Partnerships etc.
Thank you! Heli Mikkelä Director, Information Services Statistics Finland tel , gsm