1 New Jersey State Funded Nonpublic School Programs School Year Nonpublic School Services Division of Charter Schools, School Choice and Educational Technology
2 Overview of Nonpublic Programs Chapter 192 – Auxiliary Services Chapter 193 – Remedial Services Nonpublic School Health Services Nonpublic School Textbook Program Nonpublic School Technology Initiative Nonpublic School Transportation
3 Nonpublic School Textbook Program
4 Nonpublic School Textbook Program Definition of a Textbook Textbook means books, workbooks or manuals, whether bound or in loose-leaf form; or electronic textbooks including but not limited to: Computer software Computer-assisted instruction Interactive videodisc Other computer courseware and magnetic media May not be superseded by any other book for 5 years, except upon the authorization of the board of education What?
5 Nonpublic School Textbook Program Definition of a Textbook Reference materials Encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases and general special purpose dictionaries, of which the student does not have individual use Supplementary materials Supplementary books, magazines, newspapers and audiovisual materials normally housed in the school library Other Materials Test and testing materials Teacher’s editions of textbooks and review books Computers (hardware), computer software materials such as blank discs, computer chips, and computer correction devices Not
6 Nonpublic School Textbook Program Challenges Districts need textbooks at the start of the school year, but Districts receive textbook funds in mid July, and District purchasing processes may require board resolution
7 Nonpublic School Textbook Program Solutions Consultation between the nonpublic school and the district should occur between March and April to determine the textbooks to be ordered for the upcoming school year and the number desired Consultation In May, submit the purchase order Use between 75% and 85% of the previous year’s entitlement amount OR $50.00 times the count from the Nonpublic Enrollment Report as a conservative estimate of the nonpublic school’s entitlement Prepare purchase order early
8 Nonpublic School Textbook Program Solutions Upon receipt of the funds (3 rd week in July), inform the nonpublic school of the State allocation received, AND Order additional textbooks with any remaining funds, in consultation with the nonpublic school Receipt of the funds Textbooks should arrive within 6 to 8 weeks of ordering and prior to the beginning of the school year Delivery of Textbooks
9 Nonpublic School Textbook Program Guidance Statute, code and DOE guidance Nonpublic School Textbook Program Guidelines Recommendations for district purchasing procedures that may improve the timeliness of textbook delivery Best Practices for Timely Provision of Textbooks to Nonpublic Schools
10 Contact Us! Greg Kocher: (609)