NATIONAL STATISTICAL COMMITTEE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC: METADATA AND DATABASE ARCHIVE CREATION L. Tekeeva Deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic June 10-12, 2014, Nizhny Novgorod
REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATION OF STATISTICS METHODOLOGICAL PROVISIONS 1. Subject of Statistics: social and economic process and phenomenon considered in terms of quality and quantity. 2. Objectives and tasks: main areas for full and comprehensive informational basis of phenomenon status and development to a certain extent in general as well as correlation of its different aspects, association of attributes analysis, phenomenon dynamics. 3. Classification categories: State and International classification and codification of technical and economic and social information, attributes used for statistical units classification. 4. Legal framework: list of applicable regulatory and methodological framework in this field of statistics, references to relevant sections and paragraphs of a law, used international methodological considerations, provisions, recommendations, principles. 5. General principles of statistical key figures forming: metadata used to describe key figures of industrial statistics for understanding of relationship between various national surveys and with international guiding principles. 6. Data coverage, statistical units: geographical coverage, types of statistical observation and its key points, a set of phenomena, appropriate units subject to data collection, potential exclusions from the studied statistical population, classification features framework which are characterizing the observation object and unit.
REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATION OF STATISTICS METHODOLOGICAL PROVISIONS (CONTINUED) 7. Information collection: reference periods, data sources, determination of weighted average data and aggregates. 8. Data calculation procedure: formulas and calculation examples including description of procedures for evaluation of missing data (expert assessment and recalculation of attributes); valuation base aspects (current, comparable, initial, market, FOB prices etc.); scope or use of calculated attributes; control of calculation objectivity 9. Statistical (reporting) units: description of survey units population (business, business group, business unit, local unit, person etc.). 10. Types and aspects of observation: complete, sample, censuses etc. 11. Stratification and sample distribution 12. Sampling procedure 13. Data editing and control 14. Data collection: data collection method (postal, electronic, telephone, interviewers); tools; arithmetical and logical check of initial and combined statistical data. 15. Development breakdown: territorial, types of output tables being designed etc. 16. Data dissemination: timeliness, access
OFFICIAL STATISTICS DISSEMINATION POLICY OF THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL COMMITTEE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC To ensure an effective presentation of publications a single format has been developed. It includes: Cover format; Structure of publications (full-page advertisement, summary, detailed analysis, statistical annex, methodological description, publication schedule); Text and table format.
STATISTICAL VALUE CHAIN STRUCTURE (APPROVED IN 1998, TRENDS SINCE 1990, EXCEL FORMAT) Sector Group Subgrou p Matrix Real sector 1 National accounts National accounts in current prices State sector 2 State sector income Financial sector 3 Subsidiary accounts of banking sector Exogenous sector 4 Balance of payments Social sector 5 Population 501 Resident population by sex and age groups
INTERNATIONAL HOUSEHOLD SURVEY NETWORK (IHSN) TOOLS FOR MICRO-DATA DOCUMENTATION (WITH THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OF THE WORLD BANK) Two main components: Metadata editor: micro-data documentation- dedicated software (interview, population censuses, administrative records). National Data Archive (NADA): open-source software for micro-data cataloging and dessimination. Compliance with DDI/DCMI (XML) standards (Data Documentation Initiative and Dublin Core)
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C ONFIDENTIALITY OF MICRO - DATA Full set of data in specialized repository (enclave) check users and results Part of data set public domain ◦ A part of observations and a part of variables N % observations shall be derived using sampling methods Variables providing respondents identification shall be deleted ◦ Anonymizing Methods: record, rank permutations, micro-aggregation etc. Software (R package): sdcMicrosdcMicro
MAIN AREAS OF THE STATISTICAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC IN (APPROVED BY THE ORDER NO. 22 OF THE BOARD OF THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL COMMITTEE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC DATED JULY 30, 2013) 1. Legal framework 2. Statistical process improvement 3. Development of information and communication technologies 4. Modernization of statistics production 5. Building of statistical intellectual capacity 6. International cooperation
INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION BETWEEN THE STATISTICS NORWAY AND THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL COMMITTEE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC IN Subcomponent 1.3. Metadata management (a part of the quality assurance component) Following the results of the first activity an assessment was carried out: Metadata quality assurance has not been performed Generally, metadata is not designed methodologically: there is no logical partitioning of various metadata concepts inside the divisions as well as no metadata coordination between divisions Usually procedural provisions cover outputs and almost do not have inputs/variables Unit is still undefined. Definitions of variables/ attributes/ indicators has been approved Following the first stage of the project (until the end of this year) was decided to limit coverage of issues: - definition of “the unit” in accordance with the EUROSTAT definition - description and collection of inputs, variables and units by the statistic domains - collection and description of handbooks - collection and description of variables’ codes
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