Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project pilot schools, based on regeneration areas Key themes of project: 1.Identification 2.Planning 3.Follow-up
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project NEET Identification Matrix HIGH SCHOOL NEET PROJECT Name : Class : DOB: Guidance Teacher: Issue /ASN0123Scor e Care Status Living at home; no involvement with SW Involvement with SW on voluntary basis Home supervision requirement Looked after and accommodated Carer No responsibility for othersInformal responsibility – e.g. for siblings Parent or sibling with disability Significant care responsibility for parent or other Young Parent No ChildrenPregnant/expectant fatherYoung parent living at homeYoung parent living outwith family Offending No offendingSome concerns; no formal proceedings Some offending and involvement with Criminal Justice Serious offending Low Attainment Attainment satisfactoryAreas of low attainment noted Learning difficulties likely to impact on attainment Significant persistent learning difficulties Non Attendance Attendance satisfactory 90%+ Occasional absence 75 – 90% Regular absence 30% - 75% Persistent non-attendance < 30% Physical/Men tal Health Fit and HealthyOccasional illnessRegular illnessProblems requiring significant intervention Drugs or Alcohol Abuse No concernsOccasional use; limited effect on lifestyle Regular use; more significant effect on lifestyle Significant abuse requiring intervention Engagement Well engaged in school and community Requires occasional support to remain engaged Requires regular support to remain engaged Completely disengaged Any other information TOTAL:
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project Key themes: 1.Identification Based on identified vulnerable groups from MCMC, with added dimension of engagement Issues re scaling and weighting ‘Vulnerability paradox’ Usability
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project Key themes: 2.Planning and intervention Commitment to engaging young people and parents/carers Explicit focus on NEET risk Adoption of PCP and solution focused models Creativity and flexibility Engagement with other agencies
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project Key themes: 3.Follow-up Acceptance of responsibility by schools beyond school leaving age Identified key adult Systematic approach Relationship and determination critical
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project Evaluation DateAction By Schools to submit pro forma action plans By Pupils to be interviewed using adapted version of Activate interview By Schools to be interviewed using pro forma as structure outline. By Schools to be interviewed regarding follow up activities undertaken with individual pupils By Outcomes for individual young people to be identified through process of Careers Service follow up. By Draft summary of evaluation to be circulated to schools and steering group for comment By Final Evaluation to be published
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project Key findings – what have we learned? Critical linkage with Curriculum for Excellence Schools report that best predictors are: Disengagement (‘active’ and ‘passive’) Social networks (positive and negative) Key themes for us as psychologists include anti-social behaviour, alienation, identity, confidence and motivation (positive psychology).
Fife Education Service MCMC Pilot Project Aim of pre-16 element of 16+ Learning Choices bid is to extend identification/planning/follow-up intervention model to all 19 High Schools. This will require: Streamlining of identification model Visible external management Active sharing of ideas, and practice Improved tracking