EBSCO Information Services Library Consortia Strategies Mark Williams, Vice President, General Manager, EBSCO Industries, Inc.
Emerging Synergies for Information Purchasers, Agents, and Publishers Perspective on the future role of EBSCO as the market for serial information embraces new strategies
Shift from traditional print to electronic journals: Where we have come from... Learning and developing the new environment... Benefits from the new environment...
Triangle of Service Where we have come from... Agent LibraryPublisher
What Has changed ? Learning and developing the new environment... Agent ConsortiaPublisher
EBSCO Perspectives on E-Journals and Consortia Purchasing Electronic delivery expands business models Electronic delivery expands business models Benefits of Collective Purchasing become reality Benefits of Collective Purchasing become reality Fundamental need of procurement service remains Fundamental need of procurement service remains Process change required Process change required
Have a Plan Know the business opportunity Know the business opportunity Understand the value proposition for all parties Understand the value proposition for all parties Develop a process Develop a process Execute according to plan and process Execute according to plan and process Measure, Manage, Evaluate Measure, Manage, Evaluate Report Report EBSCO Management Philosophy :
Consortia Strategy Review Why consortia matter Why consortia matter two pronged strategy two pronged strategy Online Relations team Online Relations team Region consortia specialists Region consortia specialists
The EBSCO Role To assist with: Information Information Acquisition Acquisition Access Access Management Measurement Sound familiar? Learning and developing the new environment...
Engineer New Services for a New Information Age Value to the collective purchasing market > Field Consortia Specialists Value to the collective purchasing market > Field Consortia Specialists Value to the Publishers that offer consortia licenses >Online Relations Department Value to the Publishers that offer consortia licenses >Online Relations Department Learning and developing the new environment... Must Bring:
Business Model Changes Print/Online Combinations Print/Online Combinations At a price greater than print At a price greater than print Free with print Free with print Deep Discounts/ a ‘la carte offerings Deep Discounts/ a ‘la carte offerings Online Only Online Only Same price as print Same price as print At a discount At a discount Learning and developing the new environment...
Business Model Changes …continued Online Journal Packages Online Journal Packages Entire collection Entire collection Pre-defined (such as by subject) Pre-defined (such as by subject) Customized choice Customized choice Learning and developing the new environment...
What does Online Relations Do? consolidate, streamline and expedite publisher communications consolidate, streamline and expedite publisher communications coordinate collection of required information (consortia RFQ) coordinate collection of required information (consortia RFQ) communicate publisher consortia policies and visa-versa communicate publisher consortia policies and visa-versa team with EBSCO publisher services to expedite ordering, registration, access team with EBSCO publisher services to expedite ordering, registration, access
Goals of the Consortium: Electronic Access Only or Combination Electronic Access Only or Combination of Print + Online of Print + Online Total Package Access Total Package Access Cross Access Cross Access “a ’la carte” Selection Of Electronic Journals “a ’la carte” Selection Of Electronic Journals Print Purchase options Print Purchase options Information Gathering Benefits of a new environment...
Report of each site inventory Sort by: Account/Publisher/Title Sort by: Account/Publisher/Title Provided to publisher and each customer Provided to publisher and each customer Subscription Inventory Benefits of a new environment...
Names and addresses of Institutions in the Consortium Names and addresses of Institutions in the Consortium Number of sites and users at each site Number of sites and users at each site Number of researchers and faculty members, and/or general FTE (Full Time Equivalent) Number of researchers and faculty members, and/or general FTE (Full Time Equivalent) Demographics Of Consortium Benefits of a new environment...
What Consortia Field Reps Do present EBSCO services to key consortia present EBSCO services to key consortia explore unmet needs, issues with existing consortia deals explore unmet needs, issues with existing consortia deals coordinate collections or publisher/title wish lists coordinate collections or publisher/title wish lists Compile subscription inventories Compile subscription inventories communicate publisher consortia policies and offers communicate publisher consortia policies and offers
Consortia Policy Profile an FAQ for publisher consortia policies content overview content overview factors that go into pricing factors that go into pricing policies on policies on –print retention –backfile –perpetual access –usage statistics –whose license is acceptable & more Tools...
Licensing Assistance Options Directory Directory Partial Outsource Partial Outsource Total Outsource Total Outsource Benefits of a new environment...
Policy Policy Customer Service Options Customer Service Options Links To Licenses Links To Licenses Licensing Administration Benefits of a new environment... Other Tools...
Consortia Help Section Guidelines Information Gathering Information Gathering Processing The Order & Paying The Publisher Processing The Order & Paying The Publisher License Negotiations & Facilitating Access License Negotiations & Facilitating Access Special Request Reports Special Request Reports EBSCO Consortia Help Benefits of a new environment... Central H.Q. Systematic Process...
Needs After the Purchase Access Assistance Access Assistance At publisher site At publisher site At agent site At agent site From library OPAC From library OPAC From linked resources From linked resources Benefits of a new environment...
Summary of Suggestions Define Goals for Licensing and Delivery Define Goals for Licensing and Delivery Discover Service Partners with Services Matching your Goals Discover Service Partners with Services Matching your Goals Think Long Term: Licensing, Access and Linking Management Think Long Term: Licensing, Access and Linking Management