Plant classification project kelsey milford
Bryophyta common name: mosses scientific name: bryophyta group: nonvascular characteristics: resembles mosses or have the general apperance of short, green noodles. habitat: variety, from Antarctica to tropical. reproduction: sexual reproduction examples: mosses, hornworts, and liverworts
Hepatophyta examples:liverworts common name:liverworts scientific name: hepatophyta group: nonvascular characteristics: moss-like or thallose habitat: wet or humid climate reproduction: asexual examples:liverworts
Anthocerophyta examples: hornwarts. common name:hornworts scientific name: anthocerophyta group: nonvascular characteristics: horn shaped or rounded . habitat: tropical, or stream sides reproduction: through spores examples: hornwarts.
lycophyta examples:club mosses. common name:club mosses scientific name: lycophyta group: modern seedless vascular characteristics: look like tiny pine trees habitat: moist wooded areas. reproduction: dependent on water. examples:club mosses.
pterophyta examples:whisk ferns, horsetails, and ferns. common name:ferns scientific name: pterophyta group: vascular characteristics: lack true roots, or have fronds. habitat: tropics or subtropics reproduction: spores examples:whisk ferns, horsetails, and ferns.
cycadophyta examples:cycads. common name: cycads scientific name:cycadophyta group: vascular seed characteristics: look like palm trees with large cones . habitat: tropical areas. reproduction: seeds. examples:cycads.
Ginkgophyta examples: hornwarts. common name: ginkgo scientific name: ginkophyta group:seed bearing vascular characteristics: distinct fan shaped leaves habitat: deciduous forests reproduction: through seeds examples: hornwarts.
coniferophyta examples: pine trees common name:conifer scientific name: coniferophyta group:seed bearing vascular characteristics: needle like leaves, cone like seeds habitat: cold, harsh enviroments, borreal forrests reproduction: through cone-like seeds examples: pine trees
Anthophyta examples: flowering plants common name: flowering plants scientific name: anthophyta group: angio sperms characteristics: seed plants habitat: no specific habitat, only requires regular rainfall reproduction: seeds enclosed in plants examples: flowering plants