The voice of the European food and drink industry Robert Foot Potato Processing Sector
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide Levels in Potato Crisps in ppb DateRangeAverage Mid June May Aug – Dec 2002 (New Potatoes) Jan – July 2003 (Stored Potatoes) Aug – Dec 2003 (New Potatoes) Jan – July 2004 (Stored Potatoes) Acrylamide levels in French Fries in ppb TypeDateRangeAverage Oven Bake June May Fried June May – Acrylamide levels in Crisps & Fries
The voice of the European food and drink industry Content of acrylamide in ppb X X X X X Acrylamide reduction in Crisps
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in prepared French Fries, harvests nov-0113-feb-0224-mei-0201-sep-0210-dec-0220-mrt-0328-jun-0306-okt-0314-jan-0423-apr-0401-aug-0409-nov-04 Production date (source UEITP) Acrylamide (microgram/kg) Reeks1 Lineair (Reeks1)
The voice of the European food and drink industry The Acrylamide Toolbox Contains 4 Sections: 1. Variety Selection 2. Storage management 3. Process Management 4. Final Preparation Colour is the key factor
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in prepared French Fries, harvests Colour (Agtron value), source UEITP Acrylamide (microgram/kg) Reeks1 Lineair (Reeks1)
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide and sugar levels
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in Crisps & French Fries 1. Variety Selection
The voice of the European food and drink industry Sugar levels and potato varieties Domestic Use VarietiesCrisp Industry Selected Varieties Early Crop Early Late Crop Late Crop
The voice of the European food and drink industry Mean
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in Crisps & French Fries 2. Storage Management
The voice of the European food and drink industry Storage temperature effect on Acrylamide formation Acrypom Project Universiteit Gent 2004
The voice of the European food and drink industry Key Storage Management Considerations: Store potatoes around 8 o Centigrade Controlled application of sprout suppressant Planned reconditioning of potatoes – conversion of sugars to starch
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in Crisps & French Fries 3. Process Management
The voice of the European food and drink industry Reduction in sugar levels and effect on Colour Sugar Content Increasing Light Colour
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in Crisps & French Fries 4. Final preparation
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in Crisps & French Fries Final Preparation Crisps –Produced to customer preferred colour – golden yellow French Fries –Partly cooked –On-pack cooking instructions to consumer: time-temperature-portion size max. cooking temperature (≤ 175 ºC) cook to a golden yellow colour do not overcook
The voice of the European food and drink industry Acrylamide in Crisps & French Fries Summary: –Industry has adopted a practical approach based on the relationship between product colour and acrylamide –Tools used to control product colour 1.Variety Selection 2.Potato Storage 3.Process Management 4.Final Preparation –Opportunity for further reductions limited – sugar levels could increase depending on crop year –New potato varieties being developed – long term realisation –New tools – asparagine control – enzymes, potato variety, others? –Require support to accelerate the development of New Tools – potato development, agriculture studies, reduced time to allow regulatory approval.