NCBON APPLICATION PROCESS All NCLEX candidates that desire testing approval from NCBON must complete the online application.
Step by Step… The application can be located by completing the steps below: ______________________________ Visit Click on Online Services (located on the left of the home page) Click on Application for Exam (NCLEX)
Continuing… The NCBON Application fee is $75.00 Payment is due at the time of submission Candidates have 14 calendar days to reprint any required documentation
NCBON Identification Document In the past, students have been instructed to mail the identification documents in with CBC materials (fingerprint card, release of info., etc) Instructions Have Been Updated This document should be mailed separately from all other documentation.
ID Document Continued… This document is required prior to testing and should be mailed to: NCBON- Exam Dept P.O. Box 2129 Raleigh, NC 27602 Candidates should allow 5 to 7 business days for processing Candidates do have access to reprint the document directly from the NCBON website after the 14 day period by clicking period links below: Online Applications and Services Identification Document for Licensure by Exam
Education Verification Program directors are required to submit Verifications electronically within 30 days of program completion 8 character Individual Logon information is required & and can be obtained by contacting Linda Blain via phone or Email (919) 782-3211 ext. 238
Testing Requirements COMPLETE NCBON APPLICATION SUBMIT NCBON ID DOCUMENT EDUCATION VERIFICATION (program directors submits with 30 days of program completion) REGISTRATION & PAYMENT OF $200 FEE TO PEARSON VUE
Almost There… Pearson Vue issues the Authorization to Test (ATT) upon the Board’s approval All requirements must be submitted and updated by the Board as received prior to obtaining the ATT The Candidate Status Check is a very important tool to use & its available 24/7 Checking the Status Licensure/Listing Check Exam Application Status Quick Link:
Complete & Submit in Order Timeline Rewind… Complete & Submit in Order NCBON Application - 8 weeks in advance NCBON ID Document - immediately after CBC (CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK) - 6 weeks in advance Education Verification – within 30 days Register with Pearson – within 2 weeks
Guidance for Directors Practice the online process with candidates Clearly communicate the requirements Complete required documentation together as a class Submit verifications upon completion of the program Triple check documents for accuracy Recognize that NCBON & Pearson play different roles Encourage candidates to utilize the status check versus calling Be sure to provide candidates with the correct PROGRAM CODE
Potential Delays… Enter Name as it appears on a state issued id or driver’s license Enter correct date of birth Provide correct program code to Pearson & NCBON Providing the candidate social security number is optional with Pearson Vue but highly recommended by the Board Provide secure personal email address rather than one provided by the university
BE CAUTIOUS…. The Top Five Errors that lead to delays were just mentioned Following the time line decreases last minute stress levels All fees are non- refundable, please do not encourage candidates that live in compact states to apply unless they plan to reside in North Carolina.
Questions & Answers I can be contacted via phone at (919) 782-3211ext. 270 or by e-mail at