Sam Weaver – CEO Ryan McAndrew – CFO Rob Wienert - CIO Fundamentals inc. is a small Corvallis, Oregon based toy distributing company. Working with small to medium-sized retailers around the Northwest.
Find ways that our logo and software can be protected. Research other IP's that we should protect and tell us how to protect these other IP's. Show us the proper ways to copyright our software. Show us how we can trademark our logo and name. Initech Corp. is a professional software consulting firm that offers superior business solutions to IT-related problems. We pride ourselves in the ease in which our software can be used. Initech Corp. has 200 employees and is located in Portland, OR. At Initech, Intellectual property must be protected. We do not want other companies to steal our copyrights or trademarks.
Online Services Copyrights Intellectual Property IP Trademarks Software Licensing Logos Recommendations
Intellectual Property (IP) Copyrights What do they protect Methods for registering a copyright Trademarks Why register a trademark What can be trademarked Steps for registering a trademark Software Licensing Software Licensing services Recommendations Questions
Intellectual property - is a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. Commercial works are covered by copyright laws, which protect creative works such as books, movies, music, paintings, photographs, and software and gives the copyright holder exclusive right to control reproduction or adaptation of such works for a certain period of time. Copyrights Trademarks Patents Trade Secrets
Copyright - a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other, related rights. It is an IP form applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete.
Under the Copyright Act of 1976, Copyrights Protect: Literary, Musical, Architectural, Audiovisual works (movies), dramatic works, software, and visual works
Initech Request: Show us the proper ways to copyright our software. Do it Have take care of it Hire a copyright attorney
Cheapest Most Hassle Time Consuming
Least hassle Inexpensive Simple 3 step process
Schwegman, Lundberg, Woessner Most expensive Expertise includes technical and consumer software copyrights Several cases on computer copyrightscases
Trademarks – A distinctive sign or indicator of some kind which is used by an individual, business organization or other legal entity to identify uniquely the source of its products and/or services to consumers, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.
Prevent competitors and other parties from using your trademark without permission Run the risk of losing all rights to the trademark if you don’t Most companies can’t overcome the financial loss of their own business name, symbol, slogan, etc. Sets your business apart. A Slogan, or image can market itself. Coca-Cola is the most recognized trademark in the world. Protects you from accidently infringing on someone else’s trademark and getting sued for it.
Name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a combination of all these. “Superior Business Solutions!”
The six steps in registering your trademark. 1. Identify that a trademark is the type of IP you’re dealing with. 2. Read up on the rules and requirements for registering a trademark 3. Search the trademark database. (TESS) 4. Identify good/service 5. Standard character format or stylized 6. File a trademark application
Top logo design teams 45,000 satisfied customers Quick Work is guaranteed
Software License - a contract between a software publisher and the end user (consumer). A software license grants an end-user permission to use one or more copies of software in ways which would otherwise be prohibited by law. Such a license is required if the end-user wishes to make use of a copy of software, but where such a use would constitute infringement of the software publisher's exclusive rights under copyright law. The software license acts as a promise from the software publisher to not sue the end-user for engaging in activities that would normally be considered exclusive rights belonging to the software publisher.
Nalpeiron Demo Video.Demo Video Advantages: Increased flexibility – enables you to price, package, and protect your software with a wide range of product activation and protection options. Robust copy protection – provides uninterrupted user access to licensed software even after upgrades, updates, or modifications to their desktop. Increase revenue - Up sell, cross sell, downgrade, update, feature clipping and all totally "on the fly". Deploy once, sell in many forms. Reduce time to market - make per customer license adjustments offering total application control without the need for user re-installation. Compatibility – works on both Windows and Mac platforms with Linux coming soon.
Copyright your software, and trademark your logo through Cost of Copyright: $104 + $45 filing fee Cost of Trademark: $169 + $325 filing fee Create a professional logo through Logoworks Cost (10% off trademark registration): Varies License your software through Nalpeiron Cost: $ Annual Fee Grand Total: $1,708.50
Copyright, IP, trademark, software licensing Definitions – 6 steps to registering your trademark – Recommended IP firm - How Licensing works –