AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia South Asian Network Operators Group (SANOG) Gaurab Raj Upadhaya CEO/Tech Chair Nepal Internet Exchange
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG… As data networks has grown around the world, we are taking the initiative for a South Asian Network Operators Group (SANOG). This is in line with established practices like NANOG in North America, RIPE NCC Meetings in Europe and APRICOT in Asia. The meeting will provide a regional forum to discuss operational issues and technologies closer home for data operators in the South Asian Region. (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka… + Mauritius, Myanmar?)
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia South Asia.. Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG I SANOG I held in Kathmandu, Nepal on January, 2003 in conjunction with CAN IT Conference SANOG I included pre and post conference tutorials, conference and meeting. The agenda for the first meeting of SANOG was to establish the procedure for future meetings and gathering a consensus for such a group. There was consensus on continuing the effort and the next meeting was decided to be held in Sri Lanka.
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG II SANOG II held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on July together with Networking South Asia and APAN South Asia meeting NetSA / SANOG II included 4 days workshops, two days tutorials and one day of conference and meeting. As an addition from the first meeting, NetSA/SANOG had full workshops in two tracks – Routing & Systems Organized by LEARN – the Lanka Academic Network More info and material downloads at
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG II Program –Workshops Cisco ISP/IXP Workshop System Management Workshop –Tutorials SANOG Track –IPv6, IX construction, DNS, Network Management, Security APAN Track –Next generation internet –Wireless Technologies –APNIC Helpdesk, DNS and LIR training
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG II Participants –50+ local participants –80+ International Participants –Fellowship to 50 people to participate. Partial travel and accommodation provided to Fellows. Sponsorship –LEARN – Lanka Academic Network –APNIC, LISPA – LK, CINTEC, Cisco –Lanka Com and other local companies –WorldBank infoDev Program for fellowships
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG II More participants from academic networks, but operators from all countries also present Increased participants from all regional countries Co-operation with APAN – South Asia First Meeting of the Program Committee held Formal / Regular process for finding sponsors
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG III –15-22 January, 2004 –Bangalore, India –hosted by IPv6 Forum, India Program –15-19 : Workshops –20- 21: Tutorials –22 : Meeting and Conference Co-hosted with IPv6 Summit
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG III Topics –Two Workshops: –BGP Multihoming Workshop, –1 st APNIC DNS Workshop, –Eight Tutorials Advanced BGP: New Features & Convergence Improvements MPLS: Applications, Deployment Challenges & High Availability IP VPN Design and Implementation Issues BGP Multihoming Internet Exchange Construction Fault Tolerant Network Services using Linux Fighting SPAM Introduction to IPv6
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG III
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG III 150+ participants Largest such gathering of Indian ISPs and operators. participants from 6 SA countries Fellowship to 15 people with help from NSRC and funds from ISOC –Fellowship covered airfare and accommodation. –Fellows paid for registration of USD 200 (approx.) Books donated by Cisco Press, as well as NSRC
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia SANOG IV Kathmandu, Nepal –(22-30 July, 2004 or August, 2004) Workshops –A System Workshop to be added Conference –A better conference day targeted Participation –200+ expected from all countries
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia Future SANOG SANOG V (January, 2005) –probability is Dhaka SANOG VI (July 2005) –probability is Thimpu/Bhutan Collaboration with other organizations is expected to grow
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia Collaborations Signed MoU with APNIC during APNIC 16 for co-operation Co-operation with NSRC for SANOG III, expected to increase in future ISC, PCH, NetNod, IPJ, npIX, IPv6 Forum India, ISPAI, ISPAN, BDIX The community of folks in the region
AP* Retreat, APRICOT 2004, February, 2004 Kualalumpur, Malaysia Some More Information… The website will be updated soon with SANOG III materials ! It's been re-designed – website and mailing list up and running –visit –send to with 'subscribe' in subject to subscribe to the list