The 33rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Summary Statement of APHCA Account Funds received Amount in US dollars 3051 Prior years Contribution Received (up to 31/12/07)2,035, Prior years Interests earned ***85,421 Total 2,120,952 Sums received from member countries during January 2008 – December Contributions received in , Interests earned in 2008***2,559 Total 101,128 Accumulated interest received since APHCA started till 31 Dec. 2008:85,421 2,559 Total 87,980
The 33rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Summary Statement of APHCA Account Expenditures (January - December 2008) 5011 – Salaries professionals – Salaries GS20, – Consultants24, – Contracts – Locally contracted labour Travel68, – Training – Expendable procurement6, – Non-expendable procurement – Hospitality (at the workshop/training) – General operating expenses15, – General overhead expenses115 Total136,558
The 33rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Summary Statement of APHCA Account Cash balance as of 1 January 2009 Prior years - contributions up to end 2007 (without interest) 2,035,531 Year contributions (without interest) 98,569 Prior years - expenditures up to end ,687,924 Year expenditures up to end ,558 Cash balance: 1 January ,618
4 The 33rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Status of Contribution (as at 30 September 2009) MemberOutstanding atContributionReceived up toOutstanding at Governments31/12/2008due for 2009*30/9/2009 Australia0.0010, Bangladesh 29, , , Bhutan (1,945.65)2, (182.35) India , , Indonesia0.006, Iran0.006, , Laos , , Malaysia0.006, Mongolia-2, , Myanmar 2, Nepal (1,940.00)2, (1,940.00) Pakistan 6, , , , Papua New Guinea 6, , , Philippines 17, , , , Samoa a/ , , Sri Lanka0.006, , Thailand0.006, , Totals 55, , , , (Expressed in US$)
5 The 33rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Approved APHCA Trust Fund Budget and Expenditures for 2009(1) (Expenditures and Balances as at 30 September 2009) (in ORACLE) TypeAccountDue in 2009 Received (as at 30 September 2009) Contributions 3051 TF contribution88,36064, TF interest-- TF AA 97 AA MTF/INT/005/MUL Account APHCA Approved Budget Expenditures (2) Balance Expenditure5011 Salaries Professional (3) Salaries GS 20,000 9,663 10, Consultants 16, , Contracts 45, Locally Contracted Labour 2, , Travel [includes CP’s 111,000 36,837 74,163 travel (5,000) and Fellowships (10,000)] (10,000)] 5023 Training 14,000 12,506 1, Expendable Procurement 5, Non-Expendable Procurement 5,000 3,383 1, Hospitality 1, GOE 4, ,363 Total 223,000 63, ,051 (Expressed in US$)
6 The 33rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Proposed APHCA Trust Fund Budget for 2010 (includes estimated contributions to APHCA by FAO) Type AccountDue in 2010 TF AA 97 AA MTF/INT/005/MUL Contributions 3051 TF contributions 90, TF interest- AccountAPHCA Budget FAO’s estimated contributions Total Expenditure 5011 Salaries Professional (1) - 96, Salaries GS 20,000 23,00043, Consultants 38,750 10,00048, Contracts 30,000 14,00044, Locally Contracted Labour 2, Travel 98,000 10,000108, Training 44,000 2,00046, Expendable Procurement 5,000 1,0006, Non-Expendable Procurement 5,000 10, Hospitality 1,000 2, GOE 4,000 5,0009,000 Total 247, ,600415,350 (Expressed in US$)
7 The 33rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Scale of Contributions for 2010 CountryAmount Australia10,724 Bangladesh6,502 Bhutan2,128 India10,724 Indonesia6,502 Iran6,502 Korea People's Democratic Republic**2,128 Laos2,128 Malaysia6,502 Mongolia2,128 Myanmar2,128 Nepal2,128 Pakistan6,502 Papua New Guinea2,128 Philippines6,502 Samoa2,128 Sri Lanka6,502 Thailand6,502 Total90,488 (Expressed in US$)