Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls We’ve spent some six lessons learning about the Names, Duties, and Qualifications of biblical “Shepherds”.


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Presentation transcript:

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls We’ve spent some six lessons learning about the Names, Duties, and Qualifications of biblical “Shepherds”. Now, let’s spend a little time better understanding our role and responsibilities in this partnership. Hebrews 13:17

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls  Any relationship or partnership that places leadership responsibilities on one party necessarily places submissive responsibilities upon the other party.  Remember the Shepherd and Sheep analogy from John 10:1-6 >the Shepherd leads and feeds, so, >the Sheep must follow and eat!  Both must do their part for it to work!

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls I. They are to lead, we are to follow. >In fact, they can’t lead unless we follow. Children know this from playing “Follow the Leader.” >Their selection by the congregation indicates that they have demonstrated leadership abilities and that we respect their judgment. >So, we need to lean upon and trust their judgment- it’s why they are there!  Why then would some think we are only to do so in matters of faith???

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls  In “matters of faith” we should be able to read, understand, and reach the right conclusion(s) on our own. -They still should lead and feed us to get us to those conclusions, but this requires little judgment on their part. These matters are clearly spelled out. -It is particularly in matters of judgment that we need their judgment because by selection we have admitted that theirs is better than ours! Heb.5:14ff -Certainly, “not lording over the flock” still applies, but these men are to be trusted and followed!

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls  Otherwise, we have just turned leadership of the flock over to the sheep rather than the Shepherds! cf. Psalm 23; John 10:11ff  This also implies: >that Shepherds are to be thermostats, rather than thermometers. (apologies for mixed metaphors) >Shepherds do not lead from the middle- to do so turns leadership back to the unqualified. So, don’t expect or require them take directions from the sheep on which way to go!

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls II. They are to direct- we are to submit and obey, Heb.13:17 -For obedience to exist, there must be direction. -For them to direct, we have to be directable! -The principles of obedience and submission involve a voluntary giving over of control- we are not always so inclined! Yet these are primary to Christianity. -Submission of our will to Christ’s is the essence of obedience, Luke 6:46; 14:27; John 6:44-45

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls -The same type of submission is required of us toward Elders, Heb.13:17 Hupeiko literally means to surrender or yield, be weak. (not spiritually weak, but submissive, cf. 1Pet.3:7) -Again, these men were appointed because of and for their wisdom and judgment. -To refuse to submit and obey them completely circumvents the potential benefits to be derived from their leadership. In which case “we” are the real losers!

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls III. They are to watch for our souls, we must allow ourselves to be seen, Heb.13:17 >This involves no invasion of privacy, physically or spiritually- it involves supervision. But it does require the right attitude from both sides: -Elders must not “lord over” by legislating for God, or domineering attitudes/actions. -Members must expose themselves- let the Elders see you: your needs, abilities, and weaknesses all for the purpose of improvement. -A self-satisfied person neither needs nor wants leadership. But those interested in spiritual growth seek wise counsel, Prov.1:2-7; 2:1-13.

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls Advice on this point: >Let your Elders know you. Invite them into your home. Make specific plans and efforts to spend time with them away from the assemblies. Spend time with them socially. >Let them know of your needs, strengths, and weaknesses, and ask for their help in improving yourself. >Let them know of your concerns and interests for the Cause of Christ at this congregation. They will appreciate your input. >Shepherds must know the sheep individually in order to effectively lead congregationally. Give them access to who you are and what you are all about. -These things are to your advantage- “Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would unprofitable for you.”

Bringing Joy to Those Who Watch Over Your Souls While much more could and perhaps should be said, remember the dual responsibilities of this partnership in Christ: They lead- we follow. They direct- we obey and submit. They watch- we allow them access and follow their advice. The benefits? Joyful service for them and eternal life for us!