My name is Wioleta Wojciechowska. I attend 1 st Technical School in Suwałki. One of my favourite interests is cooking. And this is the reason why I’m taking part in this project.
Traditional dishes of Suwalszczyzna had to give strenght to working in a intemperate climate. Cuisine culled from everything that people could cultivate. So, dominant ingredients are potatoes and other vegetables, meet, eggs.. Traditional dishes of Suwalszczyzna for sure are not dietetic. Dishes are filling, often fatty.
Kartacze Kartacze Placki ziemniaczane Placki ziemniaczane Babka ziemniaczana Babka ziemniaczana Kiszka ziemniaczana Kiszka ziemniaczana Soczewiaki Soczewiaki Sękacz Sękacz Mrowisko Mrowisko Ser typu szwajcarskiego Ser typu szwajcarskiego Ser gouda Ser gouda Masło tradycyjne z Filipowa Masło tradycyjne z Filipowa Chleb domowy z Puńska Chleb domowy z Puńska
Kartacze Traditional dish of Suwalszczyzna – potato dumpling stuffed with mincemeat. Dish is preparing on the grounds of individual recipe. That dish is very popular and recommended by many people.
It’s easy to guess that the main ingredients of this dish are potatoes. Potato pancakes are made from grated potatoes. Then we have to form pancakes and fry it until they’re golden.
Babka ziemniaczana Babka ziemniaczana- the way of making it is similar to potato pancakes. It’s made from grated potatoes baked in the oven. Probably this dishwas known in Suwalszczyzna from the end of 19th
Kiszka ziemniaczana A stuffing for this dish is made from grated potatoes, chopped onion, sour cream and seasonings. Then we have to put a stuffing into chitterlings and bake it in the oven until they’re golden.
Soczewiaki- it’s a kind of a bun from potato dough stuffed with minced seeds of lentils mixed with fried onion and bacon. It’s very delicious dish but a little bit stodgy. It was eaten by people from villages before a different kind of work, it gave them strenght and energy. From boiled, minced potatoes we have to form pancakes and then enwrap with the filling and fry in the deep oil until they’re golden.
Sękacz The most famous dessert is sękacz. The best are made in Suwalszczyzna, from fresh eggs, cream, flour, sugar, butter and lemon. This is some kinf od pie which makes a huge impression by its shape and taste. It is baked by painting layers of batter onto a rotating spit in a special oven.
It is a very delicate cake, poured with honey and sprinkled with poppy on in. It comes from Lithuania and people from around Sejny call it an anthill as it lokks like one. It is very sweet in taste and smellw like honey.
Cheese of a Swiss type Tradition and origins: This type of cheese has become to be made In Suwalszczyzna, around Wiżajny, where there have been animal farms for generations. Looks: It is round andrather plain but you can see little holes inside. Flavour: Cheese made from goat’s milk has quite sharp smell. Taste: It has gentle, cream taste Colour: It bocomes darker as it ripens
Gouda Cheese Tradition and origin: The production of this type of cheese began in Filipów in The way od making it and its technology is the same today It is made from clean milk without any flavourings. Flavour: gentle, delicate Taste: a little bit sour, tasty.
Traditional butter from Filipów The region around Filipów and Przerośl is ecologically clean and is a part of the ‘Green Regions of Poland’. These products are produced without any flavourings or oils.
To make it we use leaves of kalmus- sweet sedge (brown- or dark- greenish colour). This makes specific flavour and freshment for a long time. Due to tourism development and coming back to ecological food, such types of bread and cakes are more and more often baked in private village houses. Home-made bread is made from rye flour, water, salt and leaven in a wooden big bowl or container, then baked in furnaces of old type. It is a kind of wholemeal bread,
Thank you