Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM) and Maritime Piracy Judicial Monitor (MPJM) Petya Ibens Case Analysis Unit
Enhancing Eurojust’s Analytical Capacity Identification of obstacles, best practices and lessons learned Building-up knowledge and expertise Strengthening Eurojust’s added value
Terrorism Convictions Monitor (TCM)
TCM: Methodology Internal Eurojust report Open sources research Member States contributions in implementation of Council Decision 2005/671/JHA Judicial analysis on selected case Tailor-made methodology for analysis Particular attention to interesting legal issues Case studies/topics of interest
TCM: Examples of analysis Judicial analysis Relevant case studies and comparative analysis Focus on: prosecuted acts, evidence and arguments brought by the parties, applicable law, etc. Examples of analysis: LTTE judgment in France (terrorist financing), Hofstadgroep judgment in the Netherlands (participation in a terrorist organisation), Roj TV judgment in Denmark (promoting a terrorist organisation), Al Qaida-related judgment in the United Kingdom (directing terrorism), etc. Topic of interest Open sources research Current events driven Examples of topics : terrorism propaganda on the Internet, terrorist financing, the EU approach to radicalisation, separatist terrorism – the example of ETA, recruitment for terrorism, Passenger Name Record Agreement, PKK’s activities in Europe
Maritime Piracy Judicial Monitor (MPJM)
MPJM: The concept From operational support to strategic analysis Provide a platform for exchange of information on ongoing investigations, prosecutions and court decisions Provide practitioners with an insight into relevant developments and experiences Strengthen prosecutions by presenting common challenges, possible solutions and lessons learned Highlight rulings with a special emphasis on issues of interest
MPJM: Contents * Legal framework (international instruments and national legislations) Legal issues and lessons learned from relevant investigations in the EU Member States (e.g. identification of suspects and witnesses, evidence, fair trail issues, jurisdictional issues, etc.) Judicial decisions (overview, analysis of selected judgments, facts and figures) Cases in progress First issue due in June 2013
MPJM - Process Court Decisions Cases in progress Legal Framework
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