Single sugars Glucose Fructose
Glucose is used in Respiration to give you energy
Double sugars (disaccharides) Maltose (2 glucose units)
Double sugars (disaccharides) Sucrose (glucose + fructose)
Sucrose is every day sugar
Sucrose comes from sugarcane or sugar beets
Sucrose production process
The effect of too much sugar: Obesity Hyperactivity Diabetes And …
Starch is found in: Rice Bread Pasta Potatoes Corn
Starch is probably the most eaten molecule in the world
Starch is a chain of several Glucose molecules
Glucose is the building block for starch, cellulose and glycogen
Glucose, Fructose and other small sugars are tested with Benedict’s solution.
Benedict’s solution Change from blue to red or yellow when Glucose or Fructose is present.
Starch is tested with Iodine Change from brown to purple/black when starch is present.
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