You will be put into groups. Group 1 You are a very rich family. The husband has built up his clothes making business, from the age of 16 and is the companies director. It is now a multi national company. The wife does not work and lives the life of luxury. Group 2 You are a rich family. The father works as a business man and the mother is a teacher Group 3 You are a all farmers. You have a herd of cattle and you grow potatoes and corn (which you sell at the local market). The children do not go to school, they have to work on the farm. Group 4 You are poor. You have a lot of children to take care of. Your Mother has died and you live on the streets.
The different beliefs meant different forms of government.
Differences between the USA and USSR The USA was a capitalist country, whereas the USSR was a communist country. These countries had very different beliefs. Capitalism Communism Where all factors of production (industry, business and agriculture) are owned by private individuals or firms who run them for their own profit. Where all factors of production (industry, business and agriculture) are owned by the state for the good of everyone.