MUTCD Adoption Delays/Status
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) KRS requires the Cabinet to adopt a manual of standards and specifications for a uniform system of official traffic control devices 603 KAR 5:050 adopts the MUTCD as Kentucky’s standard for traffic control devices
Adoption of 2009 MUTCD in Kentucky? Required Administrative Regulation modification Required Administrative Regulation modification Officially adopted January 25, 2012 Officially adopted January 25, 2012 (ten days late)
Why did it take two years to adopt? Section 1A.13 New language in Standard stating that “standard statements shall not be modified or compromised based on engineering judgment or engineering study.” Deleted language stating that “this Manual should not be considered a substitute for engineering judgment.”
Problems? Reduces the ability of traffic engineers to apply traffic control device principles in a manner that best meets the needs of road users. Reduces the ability of traffic engineers to apply traffic control device principles in a manner that best meets the needs of road users. No opportunity for public comment on the change. No opportunity for public comment on the change. Change was made on the basis of one comment from over 15,000 comments to NPA. Change was made on the basis of one comment from over 15,000 comments to NPA. Change will increase the liability for transportation agencies and organizations. Change will increase the liability for transportation agencies and organizations.
Solution? Waited for FHWA to address Waited for FHWA to address Added similar language to the KAR which now states: Added similar language to the KAR which now states: The MUTCD shall: (a) Provide the standards, guidance, and options for the design and application of traffic control devices; and (b) Not be considered a substitute for engineering judgment.
Revision #1 – Engineering Judgment Effective June 13, 2012 Effective June 13, 2012 Returns original language to MUTCD: Returns original language to MUTCD: Deleted language about not modifying or compromising standard statements Added, “Manual should not be considered a substitute for engineering judgment”.
At same time…
Compliance Dates Target dates for compliance of important changes Target dates for compliance of important changes 58 different compliance dates (some from 2000 and 2003 editions) 58 different compliance dates (some from 2000 and 2003 editions) Ranging from January, 2011 to December, 2019 Ranging from January, 2011 to December, 2019
Street Name Signs to the Rescue Letter height requirements: Letter height requirements: – low speed (compliance January 9, 2012) – high speed (compliance December 22, 2018) Minimum retro (compliance January 22, 2018) Minimum retro (compliance January 22, 2018) Lettering shall be composed of a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters Lettering shall be composed of a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters Economy tanked Economy tanked Thank you, Good Morning America Thank you, Good Morning America
Revision #2 – Compliance Dates Effective June 13, 2012 Effective June 13, 2012 Eliminates compliance dates for 46 items Eliminates compliance dates for 46 items Extended/revised dates for 4 items Extended/revised dates for 4 items Target dates for 8 items were deemed to be of critical safety importance and remain in effect Target dates for 8 items were deemed to be of critical safety importance and remain in effect New “Option” exempts existing historic street name signs from Standards/Guidance for color, letter size, retroreflectivity, and other design features New “Option” exempts existing historic street name signs from Standards/Guidance for color, letter size, retroreflectivity, and other design features
New Table
Future Action? Initiated efforts to modify KAR to adopt 2009 MUTCD including revisions 1 and 2 Initiated efforts to modify KAR to adopt 2009 MUTCD including revisions 1 and 2 Will delete language that was previously added to KAR Will delete language that was previously added to KAR Work to satisfy compliance dates Work to satisfy compliance dates