Climate and Energy Project’s
Friendly competition engaging 16 KS towns in 4 regions of the state Goal: to reduce residential and small business energy use – implement whole house efficiency Timeframe: January October 2011 Lawrence Partners: 1. Climate and Energy Project 2. State Energy Office 3. City of Lawrence 4. Westar Energy 5. YOU
Kickoff: January 29, 2011 Celebration: October 2011 March June September Kansas Energy Office
Take Charge Challenge (‘09-’10) Results: Saved over 6 million kilowatt hours of electricity during the Challenge year in 6 communities. ▪ Equivalent: powers 14,000 homes for one month Avoided 9,500 tons of carbon emissions ▪ Equivalent: taking 1823 cars off the road Engaged 11,000 community members in educational outreach events $1.2 million in avoided energy costs
$100,000 Energy efficiency or renewable energy community project
1. Schedule an Efficiency Kansas home energy audit. 2. Make the switch to compact fluorescent bulbs.* 3. Enroll in Westar's energy efficiency programs. 4. Attend a Take Charge! Challenge event. *Visit to register your switches
Efficiency Kansas is a practical, low-cost loan program that helps Kansans like you make cost- effective, energy-efficiency improvements to your home, rental unit, or small business. Efficiency Kansas Energy Audits: Find an auditor to sign up for a home or business energy audit at Federal Weatherization Assistance Program: If you qualify, get free home repairs to lower your energy bills! Schedule an Efficiency Kansas home energy audit
It's an easy switch from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) or other energy efficient bulbs! Report Your Switch to Energy Efficient Bulbs: Make the switch to compact fluorescent bulbs
WattSaver program: Join Westar Energy’s WattSaver program and receive a FREE, professionally installed programmable thermostat for your home or business. Heat Pumps: Get comfortable with energy savings with a high-efficiency heat pump system. K -12 School Presentations: EfficiencyWorks classroom presentations on how to save energy and why it's important. Real Estate Classes: Register to become an EfficiencyWorks Certified Real Estate Agent or Appraiser. Building Operator Certification Classes: Register to become a building efficiency expert. Enroll in Westar’s energy efficiency programs
Look out for Take Charge Challenge events so you can learn more about the Take Charge Challenge and ask our members questions! Take Charge Challenge Events: Attend a local Take Charge Challenge event now through September Take Charge Challenge Presentation: Get involved and present to community groups about the Take Charge Challenge! Then let us know by filling out the reporting form and ing it to Attend a Take Charge! Challenge event
Ask now! Or ask questions later: Lawrence Coordinator – Margaret Tran –