Moray Council – Winter Service Historical Arrangements with farmers Pre 1974 Banff and Moray County Councils 1974 – 1996 Grampian Regional Council 1996 – 2011 Moray Council
Since 1996 Moray Council have steadily increased the number of farmers (and contractors) under contract and we currently have 34 such contracts in place with plans to increase this further. Moray Council – Winter Service Contracts with specific farmers have been handed down from generation to generation or are awarded to farmers who have been specifically selected in an area on an as-need basis. However the need to comply with European procurement policies means that we may need to review how farmers are selected in future. Contractual arrangements. 34 contracts. Plans to increase this further. Contracts evolved as needed. Father to son. Limited gritting service.
Arrangements Contracts clearly identify the terms and conditions including such issues as hourly hire rates, insurances, licensing of vehicles, maintenance of ploughs, lines of communications and method of payment. Maps are provided to the farmers detailing the minor local roads in their areas for which they are responsible. Moray Council – Winter Service Contracts clearly indentify the terms and conditions. Route maps provided.
Farmers Routes Moray Council – Winter Service
Farmers directed by Duty Supervisor. Moray Council – Winter Service Strong element of trust. Specification not too prescriptive.
Arrangements Rates fixed by the Council. Generally based on Ringlink (Scotland) Ltd. Moray Council – Winter Service 2011/12 - £21.00/hour to £28.50/hour (150 H.P.) Larger tractors even higher.
Public appreciate the service. Mostly local farmers working locally. Otherwise compacted to ice before Council get through Moray Council – Winter Service
Many farmers contract machinery nowadays. Biggest tractors supplied by agricultural contractors. Moray Council – Winter Service
Health and Safety issues? Moray Council – Winter Service
In addition, during the recent severe winters, offers were also made by Forest Enterprise to carry out snow clearing on certain rural roads free of charge. This offer has been readily accepted and is mutually beneficial as it allows forestry contractors and their hauliers to continue operating in some areas even in severe conditions. A formal agreement with Forest Enterprise has been put in place which allows this arrangement to continue should the need arise again. Arrangements Arrangement with The Forestry Commission. Arrangement with The Lecht Ski Centre Moray Council – Winter Service
Arrangements Moray Council – Winter Service The cost benefit is clearly positive. There are clear benefits to farmers and contractors clearing minor roads first thing in the morning, before other traffic starts to compact snow into ice. Average expenditure on farmers is approximately £30k p.a. out of a total annual spend of over £2million.
Arrangements work well and have grown over time. However EU procurement procedures to be considered? Moray Council – Winter Service
Uplifting of snow from urban roads and footways. Moray Council – Winter Service When to do it? During January 2010, 19 local contractors employed along with council resources at a cost £250k.
Excluding the last two severe winters the expenditure on farmers has averaged around £30k p.a. which, from an average total Winter spend of over £2m, is considered to be good value for money. ****(Check spend over last few years) Need for pre-arranged plans, risk assessments and plant hire contracts. Arrangements Moray Council – Winter Service Where do you put it? – SEPA involvement?
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