Can You Guess?
In which country do you think people first ate beef burgers? What ingredients from different countries’ cooking have come together to help make this menu? IT’S BURGER TIME! Check out what’s on the ‘gourmet’ menu today…. Check out what’s on the ‘gourmet’ menu today…. ► Pesterella ► 100% Aberdeen-Angus Scotch beef, fresh pesto, mozzarella, salad, mayonnaise & relish ► Cajun 100% Aberdeen-Angus Scotch beef, smoked chilli mayo, salad, mayonnaise & cajun relish ► Satay ► 100% Aberdeen-Angus Scotch beef, spicy satay sauce, salad, mayonnaise & relish Gourmet Burger Kitchen
► Which city does the poster name? ► Which countries are represented in this Bollywood image?
Hip Hop Music…. ► Which different countries have influenced the music that the DJ is playing?
Another Spiderman? Which country does this version seem to belong to?