Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 13 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Warming Up. Vocabulary Game “Fly Swatter”. “Grab” a pencil. When you coach says a word in English you will need to find it on the screen in Russian and underline it. The winner is who underlined most words first (make sure you all have pencils of different colors). продукты, еда, есть, колбаса, сыр, масло, курица, мясо, рыба, хлеб, бутерброд, яйцо, рис, овощи, картофель, гамбургер, фрукты, апельсин, лимон, салат, макароны, яблоко, торт, шоколад, печенье, мороженое, суп, пицца, напитки, пить, вода, молоко, чай, кофе, сок, завтрак, на завтрак, обед, на обед, ужин, на ужин
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Вкусный - Delicious, tasty Сладкий - Sweet Image from
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Кислый -Sour Острый - Spicy, hot Image from
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Я голодный / голодная - I am hungry (male/female) Image courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Я хочу пить - I am thirsty Image courtesy of mapichai at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Я люблю поесть - I love to eat. Image courtesy of artur84 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Ресторан -Restaurant Кафе –Café Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography and of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Стакан - Glass Чашка - Cup Image from
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Тарелка - Plate Ложка - Spoon Image from
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Вилка - Fork Нож - Knife Image from
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Борщ - Borsch Пельмени - Pelmeni, dumplings Image courtesy of
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Блины - Blini, pancakes Икра - Caviar Image courtesy of Apolonia and of adamr at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Vocabulary “ Это Вкусно !”-II Квас - Kvass Щи - cabbage soup Image from
All Vocabulary on One Slide Вкусный delicious Сладкий sweet Кислый sour Острый spicy, hot Я голодный / голодная I am hungry. Я люблю поесть I love to eat. Ресторан restaurant Стакан glass Чашка cup Вилка fork Тарелка plate Нож knife Ложка spoon Борщ borsch Пельмени pelmeni / dumplings Блины blini / pancakes Икра caviar Квас kvass (beverage made from rye bread) Щи cabbage soup Хотеть to want Image from
Week 12 and Week 13 Vocabulary Game “Grab” a pencil. When you coach says “Start” you will need to draw a line from the picture to the corresponding word in Russia. The winner is who connects the most pictures with words first (make sure you all have pencils of different colors). Рыба Овощи Колбаса Сыр Молоко Яйцо Яблоко Фрукты Бутерброд Рис Мороженое Тарелка Ложка Картофель Суп Апельсин
Conjugation of the Verb “ Хотеть ” The verb “ Хотеть ” means to “to wish, to want”. It’s an irregular verb which means we need to memorize its forms. Я хочу Ты хочешь Он / она / оно хочет Мы хотим Вы хотите Они хотят Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Conjugation of the Verb “ Хотеть ”- Examples Read and translate examples. 1.Я хочу борщ на обед. 2.Мой друг хочет бутерброд и кофе. 3.Ты хочешь блины на завтрак ? 4.Они хотят пить квас. 5.Родители хотят есть суп. Они голодные. 6.Он не хочет молоко, он хочет чай. 7.Вы хотите мороженое и фрукты ? Image from
Conjugation of the Verb “ Хотеть ”- Practice. Make your own examples using the following words: Я хочу ____________ Я не хочу _________ Words to use: пельмени, фрукты, картофель, яйцо, блины, мороженое, завтрак, суп, молоко, сок, кофе, хлеб, мясо Image courtesy of digitalart at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Dialogue “ В Ресторане ” Официант : Здравствуйте ! Клиент : Здравствуйте ! Официант : Что вы хотите кушать ? Клиент : Я голодный. Что у вас есть ? Официант : У нас есть борщ, пельмени, блины. Клиент : Рыба у вас есть ? Официант : Конечно есть. Рыба очень вкусная ! Клиент : Я хочу борщ и рыбу. Официант : Отлично. Что хотите пить ? У нас есть чай и кофе. Клиент : Чай сладкий ? Официант : Да сладкий. Клиент : Я хочу чай и воду. Официант : Хорошо. Вот ваша тарелка, нож, вилка, ложка и стакан. Клиент : Спасибо. Официант : Как ваша еда ? Клиент : Спасибо, очень вкусно ! Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Let’s Practice Writing -“Typical American and Russian Food” With the help of your coach on the new Blackboard slide practice writing (hand printing) word in Russian about what you think is typical Russian and American breakfast, dinner (lunch) and supper. Write the words in the appropriate boxes. Have fun! Image from
Let’s Practice Writing -“Typical American and Russian Food” II Typical American Breakfast Typical American Lunch E.g. гамбургер Typical American Dinner Typical Russian BreakfastTypical Russian Dinner (lunch) Typical Russian Supper (dinner)
Cultural Notes I Typical Dishes on Russian Holiday Table Photos from library.lipetsk.rulibrary.lipetsk.ru Голубцы Селёдка под шубой Have you ever heard (or maybe even tried) these Russian dishes? Холодец
Cultural Notes II-Russian Eating Habits Read these facts and say whether you already know them or not. What habit would bother you the most if you are traveling to Russia? What habits in your opinion are healthy and which ones are not? 1.Even though Russians are famous for drinking a lot of hot tea, iced tea is not at all popular in Russia and you will probably not be able to order iced tea in restaurants and cafes. 2.Speaking about ice again, any iced beverages are rare. If you ask for ice for your drink in restaurants, do not be surprised if they do not have any. 3.Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, etc. are not popular beverages. Most families will not have them at home. 4.Russians love dishes made of whole grains. Wheat, buckwheat, millet, barley, etc. are extremely popular especially for breakfast. Hot cereals and porridge are considered very healthy. 5.Pork is loved by people as much as beef or chicken. When given a choice many people would prefer their dishes with pork since pork meat is considered softer and more tender. 6.The percentage of vegetarians is very low in Russia. 7.Soup is considered to be an important meal of the day necessary for the healthy digestion. Many people eat soup daily usually during dinner (around 2-3 p.m.) 8.Cultured milk foods (kefir, ryazhenka, etc.) are very popular and are consumed daily. 9.Russians love their food fried-fried meat, fried potatoes are eaten in large amounts.
Cultural Notes III Borsch Recipe What do you already know about borsch? Have you tried it or would you be open to try? Our main ingredients will be: Вода Мясо Картофель Овощи Borsch like many other Russian dishes is eaten with bread. Some people put a spoon or two of sour cream into their bowl and others love borsch with garlic pampushkas (sort of fritter) Photos from library.lipetsk.rulibrary.lipetsk.ru