Public Health Case Reporting - CSTE TIG Lab Vocabulary Review May 3rd Week – Viral Diseases CRSWg, LMCoP, VMCoP May 13 th, /12/20151
Archive of - 1 st and 2 nd Meeting Lab Vocabulary Review 10/12/20152 Hyperlink:
Scope for 3r d Week of CSTE TIG - Lab Vocabulary Review 10/12/20153 Focus mainly on HIV and Influenza
Spreadsheet Overview 10/12/20154 Note: Includes only the 2 nd Week Bacterial Diseases Lab Vocabulary
CSTE Position Statement CSTE Position Statement not published in the CSTE website for the following conditions: –Acute Hepatitis B –Chronic Hepatitis B Post the above mentioned CSTE position statements in Need to find about the status of the above mentioned position statements (Did not review last year, Planning to review this year, etc..) Reconcile the CSTE Position Statement and CSTE TIG criteria for the following conditions: –Hantavirus –HIV infection –Dengue Fever 10/12/20155
Dengue Fever - CSTE Lab Criteria Conditionality 10/12/20156
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome 10/12/20157 Pathology Impression Reconcile the Lab Criteria to CSTE TIG LOINC mappings
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome 10/12/20158 * increased circulating atypical lymphocytes or immature myeloid cells
Hepatitis C - Lab Test + Date of Onset (Timing) 10/12/20159
Hepatitis C - Negative Test Criteria 10/12/ Assumption: Hepatitis C TIG File without any “Acute” or “Chronic” must have been related to Chronic.
Hepatitis C - Acute and Chronic Lab Criteria (same) 10/12/ Acute Hepatitis C Chronic Hepatitis C CSTE – Owner of Lab Criteria and could assign the ID’s for Lab Criteria
Human Rabies 10/12/ No LOINC / SNOMED Code
Hepatitis B Chronic 10/12/ SNOMED Test Result – Pre-coordinated with Agent and Component
HIV Infection Review the CSTE Position Statement and CSTE TIG –Adult and Pediatric –Qualitative and Quantitative 10/12/ HIV CSTE Position Statement Review the CSTE TIG for HIV Discuss with PHLIP regarding HIV mapping
HIV Infection PHLIP Feedback (Riki): HIV TIG (Qualitative) tests DNA/RNA detection - LOINCs are all qual, no result codes included in one iteration, but coded to positive in the other - LOINCs are the same HIV TIG Culture result - critrion reads any, no SNOMED cocdes assigned here, but lab cirterion cited in the spreadsheet is pos resut HIV TIG Culture result - second criterion reads pos result - LOINC is Nom and result code is coded as HIV HIV TIG Culture result criterion exisits twice with same set of LOINC codes 10/12/201515
Novel Influenza Novel Influenza - Chest X-Ray Lab Tests mapped to "Non-subtypeable influenza A virus determined by WHO collaborating laboratory.” Novel Influenza - Rapid Diagnostic Tests Criteria - No mapping to LOINC / SNOMED Novel Influenza - Influenza A H1, Influenza A H3 do not have any mapping to LOINC / SNOMED PHLIP Feedback: –Novel Influenza - Influenza A H1, Influenza A H3 and H pandemic do not have any mapping to LOINC / SNOMED (Have QL LOINCs now and PLR codes for nom Flu subtype test results –Novel Influenza - shouldn't it be Flu A unsubtypable as result to report - exists as PLR code only 10/12/201516
Novel Influenza SNOMED CT – Influenza A VirusInfluenza A Virus 10/12/201517
Polio 10/12/ NND Codes – Paralytic and Non-Paralytic Polio. What is the scope of CSTE position Statement?
SARS 10/12/ SARS Coronavirus – SNOMED Results
Measles Virus 10/12/ SNOMED Result - Measles Virus - Genotype
Recommendation Letter to CSTE about CSTE TIG Lab Vocabulary Include Changes that needs to be made in CSTE position Statements Mention the issues that are related to lab domain which would be addressed by the lab community of practice and SDO (LOINC, SNOMED). CSTE lab Criteria Interpretation issues Maintenance of the CSTE lab Criteria –?? Unique identifier for the lab criteria –Centralized repository of data elements – Maintained by CSTE 10/12/201521