Second Reading Aspen View Academy Charter Application Board of Education Meeting Tuesday, December 13, 2011 Pat McGraw, Development and Innovation Officer Kindra Whitmyre, Director of Charter School Partnerships
Staff Recommendation Conditional Approval
Conditions to AVA Contract 1.By January 5, 2013, the Applicant shall have a minimum of 500 full-time equivalent students (Student FTEs) assigned to the various grade levels proposed in the charter school application to be served the first year, as validated by the District’s open enrollment process. 2.By The AVA Board shall further develop their student assessment systems to track student performance by March 1, 2012.
Conditions to AVA Contract 3.The Applicant shall submit to the Board, on or before June , either a construction contract or a lease agreement for an appropriate charter school facility available for use on or before August 1,2013. The construction agreement must reference contingency plans for construction delays which impact occupancy. 4.The AVA Board shall present a detailed budget for fiscal year , as well as present budget forecasts for fiscal years 2013 – 2017 to be approved by the District’s Chief Financial Officer on or before March 1, 2013.
Conditions to AVA Contract 5.The AVA Board shall hire a school leader/principal on or before March 1, The AVA Board will create detailed policies and structures regarding school governance by March 1, 2012.