Nutrition Ashleigh Boyce 6 th Grade
What is Nutrition? “the sum total of the processes involved in the taking in and the utilization of food substances by which growth, repair and maintenance of the body are accomplished.” ▫Definition according to
Why is Nutrition important? To promote healthy lifestyle To promote healthier choices To increase life span To increase quality of life To give body what it needs
Why some foods are more nutritious than others… Fat content Ingredients Calories Vitamins Minerals
Food Pyramid
Recommended Servings Fruits ▫2 cups daily Vegetables ▫2.5 to 3 cups daily Grains ▫3 to 4 ounces daily Proteins ▫5.5 to 6.5 ounces daily Dairy ▫3 cups daily
Nutrient Classes Fruits ▫Apples, bananas, oranges, etc. Vegetables ▫5 subgroups Dark green (spinach) Starchy (corn) Red & Orange (red pepper) Beans & Peas (black beans) Other (artichoke)
Nutrient Classes (cont’d) Grains ▫2 subgroups Whole grains (brown rice) Refined grains (cornbread) Dairy ▫Milk (fat free, reduced) ▫Cheese (natural, processed) ▫Yogurt (low fat)
Nutrient Classes (cont’d) Proteins ▫Meats (beef, ham) ▫Poultry (chicken, turkey) ▫Eggs (chicken eggs) ▫Beans & Peas (soy beans) ▫Nuts & Seeds (almonds, cashews) ▫Seafood (clams, salmon)
Product Labels How To Understand Nutrition LabelsHow To Understand Nutrition Labels Food Label and You VideoFood Label and You Video
Benefits of Healthy Eating Maintain weight Energy Good health Live longer Live better
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Healthy ▫Vegetables ▫Milk ▫Water ▫Whole Grains ▫Fruits Unhealthy ▫Fast food ▫Snacks ▫Candy ▫Soda
Factors that influence food choices Time Family Friends Activities Cost Availability
Nutrition and Physical Activity NutritionPhysical Activity Vary your proteins Calcium-rich food Balanced meals Drinking water 2.5 hours per week at moderate workout level Strengthening Cardio Aerobics
Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Eat healthy Smaller portions Watch what you drink Exercise ▫20 minutes, 3 times a week Vary colors of food Protein and fiber
Tips and Tricks Create a Routine Keep motivated Do it with a friend Reward yourself Keep good food in your house Get rid of temptations HELP!
BMI Calculator Body Mass Index BMI Calculator ▫Underweight, at weight, overweight, obese ▫Calculated from weight and height ▫For teens and adults
Track Yourself NutritionPhysical Activity
Review Nutrition Basics Food Pyramid Benefits Tricks and Tips Eat Good & Stay Active Nutrition
Resources Choose My Plate What Is Nutrition Tips