What are the 3 Main ideas of FTA? Explain what each means?
1. Misleading or deceptive conduct - The Law states that it is illegal to mislead you through false advertisements. 2. False representation - This part of the Act particularly covers untrue about Quality, Quantity etc 3. Certain Unfair prices. - Unfair Practises – Offering free prizes of gifts then not receiving, Bait advertising, Physical force
From time to time you may get uninvited traders selling goods or services at your home or work, if this is the case they are door to door selling. If you are buying goods or services from door to door salespeople, it is a good idea to know what your rights are.
You Have Protection: You did not invite the salesperson to your home. If you buy goods on hire purchase worth more than $20, or agree to buy services or goods with cash amounting to more than $40 Meridian insurance Cell phones – Mother example
If you pay the full price in cash when you make the agreement. The salesperson is selling insurance.
Complete the Door to Door Worksheet Work out which are the correct ways that a Door to Door salesman will try and scam. There are 10 Correct terms.
A copy of the Sales Agreement A notice about your rights to cancel the agreement and a form with which to do this.
Your Signature and that of the Salesperson The name and the address of the firm The full cost of the purchase, including specific details on how it is to paid for.
Minors Contract Acts – protects young people Unconsolidated Goods Act – you don’t have to pay for goods your were sent but not you didn’t order.
Activity worksheet
How to Avoid a Door to Door Salesman auyy5F5M&playnext=1&list=PL1F04213A1 CB2D29A