Federal Accountability AYP Update Accountability TETN April 23, 2009 Shannon Housson and Ester Regalado TEA, Performance Reporting Division
AYP Preview 2009 AYP Performance Standards increase to: 67% in Reading/English language arts 58% in Mathematics No changes in state assessments used for 2009 AYP. No changes in the AYP Federal Cap process for 2009.
AYP Preview (cont.) 2009 AYP Timeline MayExpected USDE approval of requested amendments to the 2009 Texas AYP Workbook. May 20, 2009Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap available online. June2009 AYP Guide Released
AYP Preview (cont.) 2009 AYP Timeline June 24, 2009Deadline for Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap. First Week of August Public release of Preliminary 2009 AYP/SIP statuses for all districts and campuses. First Week of September Appeals and Federal Cap Exceptions Deadline.
AYP Preview (cont.) 2009 AYP Timeline DecemberFinal 2009 AYP Status released. Preview of NCLB School Report Card data (Part I only) JanuaryPublic release of NCLB School Report Card.
AYP Preview (cont.) Student Success Initiative and TAKS-M Students in Grades 3, 5, and 8 who meet their SSI requirements in either the first or second administration by passing either TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated) or TAKS-Modified (TAKS-M) are counted as proficient in the AYP Reading or Mathematics calculations. The TAKS-M results are included in the AYP performance numerator after the federal cap process determines the result can be counted as proficient for AYP..
Preview: AYP Federal Caps Review of the 1% Federal Cap Students are selected randomly from TAKS-Alt proficient results. Exceptions to the 1% cap will be processed prior to the Preliminary AYP Release in August 2009 for: School districts registered with the TEA RF Tracker. School districts included in the Directory for Services for the Deaf in Texas, Regional Day School Programs for the Deaf (RDSPD). Other Circumstance Exceptions process remains the same in prior years.
Preview: AYP Federal Caps (cont.) Review of the 2% Federal Cap Step 1) TEA prioritizes campuses by grades served and proportion of students with disabilities enrolled. School districts have the opportunity to review and/or modify the campus rankings. Step 2) Student results are selected in order to maximize the number of campuses that Meet AYP beginning with the campuses assigned the highest priority.
Preview: AYP Federal Caps (cont.) A review of the federal cap process will be provided through a district accessible Texas Education Telecommunications Network (TETN) session on May 21, 2009 from 1pm-4pm (Event # 34920).
Preview: Texas AYP Workbook Amendments Requested 1)Incorporate the Texas Projection Measure (TPM) in AYP evaluations. 2)Remove references to the use of confidence intervals and uniform averaging in small numbers analysis. 3)Provisions for districts impacted by Hurricane Ike: A separate Hurricane Ike student group will be created that includes all students enrolled in districts, campuses, and charters who were displaced by Hurricane Ike. This separate student group will be evaluated for participation only. School districts or campuses that were closed for ten or more days due to Hurricane Ike and are located in a county designated by FEMA as a disaster area that miss AYP will receive a 2009 AYP status of Not Evaluated.
Preview: Texas Projection Measure in AYP Students 2009 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), TAKS (Accommodated), and LAT scores in both reading/English language arts and mathematics, along with the campus-level mean scores in the projection subject, will be used to predict their performance in next high-stakes testing grade. For example, a students 2009 reading and mathematics TAKS scale score and the mean campus scale score in reading will be used to project the reading scale score for the student in the next high stakes grade level.
Preview: TPM in AYP Who may use TPM in 2009 AYP Calculations? Student taking both reading/English language arts & mathematics in the same test version language (English or Spanish) of: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), or Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) TAKS will have data that can be used to predict their performance for 2009.
Preview: TPM in AYP (cont.) How is TPM used in 2009 AYP Calculations? Students who are predicted to meet proficiency will be counted in the numerator of the AYP percent proficiency calculation along with students meeting the standard, and this new percent would be compared with the AYP targets to determine if the performance standard for percent proficient is met.
Preview: TPM in AYP (cont.) AYP Performance Rate: (Students who Met the Passing Standard + Students Projected to meet the Standard) Total Number of Students Tested Performance Rate is compared to the 2009 AYP Targets of 67% in Reading/English language Arts and 58% in Mathematics Participation Rate calculations are not affected.
Preview: TPM in AYP (cont.) AYP Performance Improvement/Safe Harbor.
16 On Oct 28, 2008, final Title I regulations were issued to strengthen the NCLB Act. The regulations were subsequently reviewed by US Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan. On April 1, 2009, the Secretary announced his intent to repeal the requirement that a State revise its Accountability Workbook with respect to its definition of adequate yearly progress (AYP) and submit those revisions for peer review. The Secretary supports the provisions in the October 2008 Title I regulations regarding graduation rate. AYP Preview: Final Title I Regulations
17 AYP Preview: Final Title I Regulations (cont.) 1. Peer Review of the 2010 Texas AYP Workbook Minimum Subgroup Size and Inclusion of Students in Accountability Explain the minimum group size and other components of its AYP definition; Include the number and percentage of students and subgroups excluded from school-level accountability determinations. Review by the National Technical Advisory Council (National TAC) established by these regulations. Intends to Repeal
18 AYP Preview: Final Title I Regulations (cont.) 2. Graduation Rate Goals/Targets for 2010 AYP Set the states goals for the high school graduation rate, including annual graduation rate targets that reflect continuous and substantial improvement from the prior year toward those goals. The states intermediate target for graduation rate must be applied to the 2010 AYP evaluations. Include goals and intermediate targets in the 2010 AYP Workbook.
19 AYP Preview: Final Title I Regulations (cont.) 3. Graduation Rate Data Disaggregated Cohort/ Student Groups for 2012 AYP Regulations require Graduation rate evaluations for each student group in 2012 AYP results. Texas meets the required reporting of the graduation rate for student groups. Currently all seven student groups are used to evaluate the Performance Improvement/Safe Harbor calculation (All Students, African American, Hispanic, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Special Education, Limited English Proficient).
20 AYP Preview: Final Title I Regulations (cont.) 4. Extended-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Regulations allow states to propose one or more extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rates that take into account students who graduate in more than four years. The extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate must be used with the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate in determining AYP. States may request an extended-year graduation rate as early as the state desires to use such rates.
21 AYP Preview: Final Title I Regulations (cont.) Possible 2010 AYP Calculation Include Extended Year graduation rate Set Long term Goal for Graduation Rate Set Intermediate Target for 2010 Other Indicator would require: o Class of 2009 Graduation Rate must meet the Intermediate Target OR o Extended Year Graduation Rate must meet the Intermediate Target OR o An alternative to the Intermediate Target must be met
22 AYP Preview: Final Title I Regulations (cont.) Possible 2010 AYP Calculation (cont.) Safe Harbor/Performance Improvement Calculation would require: o Must meet the 10 percent decrease from the prior year in percentage of students counted as not proficient AND o Class of 2009 Graduation Rate must meet an Intermediate Target OR Extended Year Graduation Rate must meet an Intermediate Target More information will be provided by the US Department of Education soon.
23 SIP Resources Districts and campuses can view their Title I School Improvement Program (SIP) status history reports from 2003 through the present. See the AYP guide for the appropriate year for descriptions of any of the AYP or SIP status labels shown. The SIP history reports are accessible at For more information about the School Improvement Program, please contact the School Improvement Unit in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Program Coordination at (512)
24 AYP Resources For more information on the AYP process, see the 2008 AYP Guide, accessible at Frequently Asked Questions about AYP are available at U.S. Department of Education information is available at