Jeopardy SPECT (to look) FORM (shape) PORT (to carry) TRACT (draw or pull) DICT (to say, speak) Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300.


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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy SPECT (to look) FORM (shape) PORT (to carry) TRACT (draw or pull) DICT (to say, speak) Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from SPECT One who watches; an onlooker

$100 Answer from SPECT spectator

$200 Question from SPECT The prospect of good to come; anticipation

$200 Answer from SPECT expectation

$300 Question from SPECT To regard with suspicion and mistrust

$300 Answer from SPECT suspect

$400 Question from SPECT Verb: to esteem Noun: regard, deference Literally: to look again

$400 Answer from SPECT respect

$500 Question from SPECT Looking around, Watchful, prudent

$500 Answer from SPECT circumspect

$100 Question from FORM One “form” or style of clothing such as is worn by nurses

$100 Answer from FORM uniform

$200 Question from FORM One who does not conform

$200 Answer from FORM nonconformist

$300 Question from FORM To form or make anew; To reclaim

$300 Answer from FORM reform

$400 Question from FORM To change into another substance Change of form

$400 Answer from FORM transform

$500 Question from FORM Disfigurement, Spoiling the shape

$500 Answer from FORM deformity

$100 Question from PORT Goods brought into a country from another country to be sold

$100 Answer from PORT import

$200 Question from PORT One who carries burdens for hire

$200 Answer from PORT porter

$300 Question from PORT To remove from one place to another

$300 Answer from PORT transport

$400 Question from PORT To give an account of

$400 Answer from PORT report

$500 Question from PORT A case for carrying loose papers

$500 Answer from PORT portfolio

$100 Question from TRACT Adjective: having power to attract ; alluring; inviting

$100 Answer from TRACT attractive

$200 Question from TRACT A powerful motor vehicle for pulling farm machinery, heavy loads, etc

$200 Answer from TRACT tractor

$300 Question from TRACT The power to grip or hold to a surface while moving, without slipping

$300 Answer from TRACT traction

$400 Question from TRACT An agreement; literally, to draw together

$400 Answer from TRACT contract

$500 Question from TRACT To take apart from the rest, to deduct

$500 Answer from TRACT subtract

$100 Question from DICT A book containing the words of a language explained

$100 Answer from DICT dictionary

$200 Question from DICT A speaking against, a denial

$200 Answer from DICT contradiction

$300 Question from DICT A blessing, often at the end of a worship service

$300 Answer from DICT benediction

$400 Question from DICT An order proclaimed by an authority

$400 Answer from DICT edict

$500 Question from DICT To charge with a crime

$500 Answer from DICT indict

Final Jeopardy This word comes from…

Final Jeopardy Answer What is