Lecture 5: AIRPORT SECURITY By: Zuliana Ismail
Learning Outcome Student is able to: Describe who are responsible to handle security in airport. Explains the steps in airport security Describe the latest technologies used for enhancing airport securities
Airport Security The most significant issues facing by the airport in the 21st century is airport security. Airport security refers to the techniques and methods used in protecting airports and aircraft from crime. Airport security concerns all areas and all users of the airport, not limited to travelers, airport police force etc. Many parties are involved in securing the airport, including the airport administration, the government, airlines, police and military force. Airport security refers to the techniques and methods used in protecting airports and aircraft from crime.
Who handles security at Airports While some countries may have uniform protection at all of their airports. The primary personnel will vary and can include : A police force hired and dedicated to the airport Members of the local police department assigned to the airport Members of a country's military Members of a country's airport protection service In U.S, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Who handles security at Airports Police forces hired and dedicated to the airport. For Example, at Malaysia Airport Securities are handled by: Malaysia Airports Berhad Auxiliary Police. They are trained at Malaysia Airport Training Centre (MATC), Penang. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is responsible for aviation security, including airport security. Airports and airlines cooperate with TSA in accordance with its rules and regulations. TSA has clear and rigorously enforced aviation security regulations affecting ramp and fuel facility access (including background checks), as well as screening of passengers, carry-on and checked baggage and cargo. TSA requires airports to provide security for airport perimeters or boundaries. Airport operators are responsible for securing appropriate local or airport law enforcement to meet this requirement. While some countries may have uniform protection at all of their airports. The protection is controlled at the state or local level. The primary personnel will vary and can include : • A police force hired and dedicated to the airport • A branch (substation) of the local police department stationed at the airport • Members of the local police department assigned to the airport as their normal patrol area • Members of a country's military • Members of a country's airport protection service There are a number of items that you cannot carry on a plane, and some of that can't be packed in your bags, either : Explosives: Fireworks, ammunition, sparklers, matches, gunpowder, signal flares Weapons: Guns, swords, pepper spray, mace, martial arts weapons, swords, knives with blades of any length Pressurized containers: Hair spray, oxygen tanks, propane tanks, spray paint, insect repellant Household items: Flammable liquids, solvents, bleach, pool chemicals, flammable perfume in bottles 16 ounces or larger Poisons: Insecticides, pesticides, rat poison, arsenic, cyanide Corrosives: Car batteries, acids, lye, drain cleaner, mercury
Malaysia Airports Berhad Auxiliary Police
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) TSA was created as a result of the events of 11/9/2001. Purpose of TSA is to improve the security in transportation systems. TSA also responsible in improving security at the nation’s airports. Example: Screening all commercial airline passengers and baggage. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created in the wake of 9/11 to strengthen the security of the nation’s transportation systems while ensuring the freedom of movement for people and commerce. Within a year, TSA assumed responsibility for security at the nation’s airports and deployed a Federal workforce to meet Congressional deadlines for screening all commercial airline passengers and baggage. In March 2003, TSA transferred from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Homeland Security. TSA employs a risk-based strategy to secure U.S. transportation systems, working closely with stakeholders in aviation, rail, transit, highway, and pipeline sectors, as well as the partners in the law enforcement and intelligence community. The agency will continuously set the standard for excellence in transportation security through its people, processes, technologies and use of intelligence to drive operations.
Airport Security Airport security procedures are designed to prevent any criminal acts that may affect the security both at airport on in flight. Criminal acts including theft, vandalism against passengers and their property, aircraft and all airport facilities. The worst is hijacking of aircraft, damaging or destroying aircraft or airport with explosives Airport security refers to the techniques and methods used in protecting airports and aircraft from crime.
Airport Security 1st major act of criminal act occurred on Nov, 1 1955, when man named Jack Graham placed a bomb in luggage belonging to his mother. The bomb exploded in flight, killing all 33 people, 2nd such act occurred in 1960, when a suicide bomber killed all aboard a National Airlines aircraft.
Airport security procedures Passenger Screening Baggage Screening Larger X-Ray Scanner
Passenger Screening Purpose: to ensure that certain prohibited items don’t board commercial airliners. Every passenger thus is screened by airport security staff using the latest screening techniques to prevent any terrorist or criminal activity. Every piece of luggage is screened for explosives using the latest technology and equipment before being placed on a plane
Prohibited items There are a number of items that you cannot carry on a plane, and some of that can't be packed in your bags, example : Explosives: Fireworks, matches, gunpowder Weapons: Guns, swords, martial arts weapons, knives with blades of any length Pressurized containers: Hair spray, oxygen tanks Household items: Flammable liquids, solvents, bleach Poisons: Insecticides, pesticides, rat poison Corrosives: Car batteries
Passenger Screening Confirming the identity of travelers. Checking a photo ID & transports. Some Airports using Biometrics (finger print/retinal scan) One of the most important security measures at an airport is confirming the identity of travelers. This is done by checking a photo ID, such as a driver's license. If you are traveling internationally, you need to present your passport
Passenger Screening Walk-through metal detector Additional screening Objects on your clothing or person containing metal may set off the alarm on the metal detector. Additional screening Additional screening occurs when an individual sets off the alarm on the metal detector, or if he or she is selected for the additional screening. This screening includes a hand-wand inspection Pack all metal items, including the contents of your pockets, in your carry-on baggage. Mobile phones, pagers, keys, and loose change are examples of items containing metal.
Metal objects will be detected and produce alarm sound. Passenger Screening- Almost all airport metal detectors are based on pulse induction (PI). Typical PI systems use a coil of wire on one side of the arch as the transmitter and receiver. This technology sends powerful, short bursts (pulses) of current through the coil of wire Metal objects will be detected and produce alarm sound.
baggage Screening The X-ray machine Place all carry-on baggage and any items you are carrying with you on the belt of the X-ray machine. Laptop computers and video cameras with cassettes must be removed from their carrying cases and placed in one of the bins provided. You will also need to remove your coat, jacket, suit jacket or blazer and place it in one of the bins. These items go through the X-ray machine. Laptop computers and video cameras with cassettes must be removed from their carrying cases and placed in one of the bins provided. You will also need to remove your coat, jacket, suit jacket or blazer and place it in one of the bins. These items go through the X-ray machine
X-Ray technology: “see through” the baggage baggage Screening X-Ray technology: “see through” the baggage
Technologies to Screen Luggage
baggage Screening Your baggage might also be inspected with an Explosive Trace Detection machine (ETD), Alarm will be sounded if a weapon or explosive item is detected.
Larger X-Ray Scanner In addition to passenger baggage, most planes carry enormous amounts of cargo. All of this cargo has to be checked before it is loaded. One old-fashioned method of bomb detection still works as well or better than most hi-tech systems -- the use of trained dogs. In addition to an X-ray system, many airports also use larger scanners
Larger X-Ray Scanner Larger X-Ray Scanner for bigger baggage and trained Dogs are used to sniff for bombs.
How to reduce longer waits problems for airport security procedures? Issues The increased security has meant longer waits and longer lines and longer waits at the gate screening counters and area. How to reduce longer waits problems for airport security procedures?
Question Bank Who are responsible to handle security in airport & give reason why airport security important. (6M) Describe the steps in airport security. (9M)