Computer Terminology 3 rd Grade TECOS By: Kathy Landman Lynn Fanning Elementary
CPU Central Processing Unit The CPU is the brains of your computer It is the most important element of a computer system.
Tool Bar The toolbar a series of buttons in a computer program that give the user an easy way to select desktop applications, or Web browser (internet) functions. Toolbars are usually displayed as either a horizontal row or a vertical column around the edges of the page.
Spreadsheet A spreadsheet is a sheet of paper or computer screen that shows numbers or other data in rows and columns.
Slide A slide is a page in a PowerPoint presentation. For example, this page is a slide.
Insert To place an object between two other objects. Inserting characters, words, paragraphs and documents is common in word processing.
Search Box A blank box appearing on a Search Engine or Search Directory which allows you to type in words or terms. The Search Engine or Search Directory will then look for the information you requested.
Login The process of identifying yourself on a computer usually by entering a username and/or password. For example, when we login to the computer to take AR tests, we type in: –Username: lfsstudent –Password: student
Word Processing The creation, input, editing, and production of documents and text by means of using computer systems.
Network A group of connected computers that allow people to share information and equipment. All Madison County Schools are in a network.
Folder A folder is the name of a collection of related files that can be retrieved, moved, or deleted as one item.
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